
Green growth and sustainable development


The Short and Winding Road to 2030

Measuring Distance to the SDG Targets

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has an unprecedented ambition, but also confronts countries with an enormous challenge given the complex and integrated nature of the Agenda with its 17 Goals, underpinned by 169 Targets. To assist national governments with their implementation, the OECD has developed a unique methodology allowing comparison of progress across SDG goals and targets, and also over time. Based on the Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and leveraging UN and OECD data, this report provides a high-level assessment of OECD Member countries’ performance across the Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda. The report evaluates the distance that OECD countries need to travel to meet SDG targets for which data is currently available, but it goes one step further and deepens the analysis by identifying long-term trends, considering also how these trends may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing a high-level overview of countries’ strengths and weaknesses in performance across the SDGs, it aims to support Member countries in navigating the SDGs and in setting their own priorities for action within the broad 2030 Agenda.

Published on April 27, 2022Also available in: French


Executive summary
Peace and Partnerships
Country Notes37 chapters available
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Australia
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Austria
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Belgium
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Canada
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Chile
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Colombia
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Costa Rica
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Czech Republic
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Denmark
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Estonia
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Finland
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – France
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Germany
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Greece
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Hungary
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Iceland
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Ireland
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Israel
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Italy
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Japan
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Korea
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Latvia
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Lithuania
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Luxembourg
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Mexico
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Netherlands
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – New Zealand
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Norway
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Poland
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Portugal
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Slovak Republic
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Slovenia
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Spain
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Sweden
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Switzerland
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – Turkey
Measuring distance to the SDG targets – United Kingdom
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