

La Promotion de l’investissement en Méditerranée


Nouveau! Phase II du programme UE-OCDE sur l'investissement en Méditerranée 

Drawing on the first phase of the Programme, Phase II aims to:

  • Provide targeted policy advice and capacity building on investment policy design and implementation 
  • Facilitate public-private dialogues on investment climate reforms in priority sectors 
  • Support monitoring and evaluation of reforms to gauge success

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Le Programme UE-OCDE sur la Promotion de l’investissement en Méditerranée

Le Programme UE-OCDE sur la Promotion de l’investissement en Méditerranée vise à soutenir les efforts pour renforcer qualitativement et quantitativement les investissements à destination et à l’intérieur de la région méditerranéenne. Travaillant en partenariat avec les gouvernements et institutions, le Programme va engager des actions régionales et nationales destinées à créer des politiques et des stratégies d’investissement plus solides et plus cohérentes. Cela inclut
les actions suivantes :

  • moderniser les politiques d’investissement
  • promouvoir des stratégies d’investissement inclusives
  • développer les capacités de promotion de l’investissement de la région
  • renforcer les capacités institutionnelles et la coordination
  • encourager le networking entre les agences de promotion de l’investissement euro-méditerranéennes
  • renforcer le dialogue public-privé en vue d’une élaboration plus inclusive des politiques publiques
  • engager le secteur des entreprises dans une conduite responsable

Les actions du Programme s’appuyeront sur des outils et standards internationaux bien-établis tel que le Cadre d’action pour l’investissement de l’OCDE et les Lignes directrices de l’OCDE pour les entreprises multinationales.

Le Programme est piloté par un Comité consultatif, co-présidé par la Commission européenne et l’OCDE, avec la participation de représentants des pays bénéficiaires et du Secrétariat de l’Union pour la Méditerranée.


Le Newsletter du le Programme UE-OECD fournit l'actulité sur les questions d'investissement dans la région : 

Derniers événements, rapports et notes conceptuelles


Séminaire Régionale UE-OCDE : Renforcer l'intégralité à l'appui de l'investissement durable
18-19 février | Barcélone


Ce séminaire a analysé l'importance de lutter contre la corruption et de promouvoir l'intégrité pour attirer et conserver les investissements dans la région MED. Les responsables en charge des politiques d'investissement et de lutte contre la corruption, des représentants du secteur privé et de la société civile des économies MED et de l'UE ont exploré comment des efforts coopératifs efficaces de lutte contre la corruption peuvent promouvoir un climat d'investissement sain et quelles sont les actions de mise en œuvre nécessaires.


Lire le rapport (en anglais)

Le climat de l'investissement en Algérie et le règlement des différends investisseurs-État
11-12 novembre 2019

L’atelier a débuté par une table ronde sur le climat de l’investissement qui avait pour objectif de discuter des obstacles et réformes prioritaires pour faciliter l’attraction de l’investissement et le développement du secteur privé, notamment par le renforcement du cadre réglementaire et institutionnel gouvernant les investissements et l’amélioration des politiques en matière de PME. Cette table ronde était suivie par des sessions de travail et de renforcement des capacités sur la question du cadre juridique international applicable aux investissements et le règlement des différends entre investisseurs et État. 


Investment promotion and facilitation in the MED region
22 October 2019 | Paris

Organised in the context of the 4th Meeting of the OECD Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) Network, the regional seminar focused on monitoring and evaluating investment promotion activities, as well as the important role IPAs play in spurring innovation.

The publication Mapping of Investment Promotion Agencies: Middle East and North Africa was offically launched.


Strengthening the Palestinian business and investment climate
1 October 2019 | Ramallah

The workshop explored how the Palestinian Authority can foster a regulatory, institutional and administrative environment more conducive to quality investment attraction and SME development. The event engaged 100 participants in an open exchange to advance the reform agenda in light of the specific conditions of the business environment.


Improving investment incentives in the MED region
1-2 July 2019 | Amman

This regional seminar explored the use of incentives to attract investment in the MED region. It addressed the types of incentives granted in the region, their effectiveness, their potential adverse and beneficial effects, and the implementation of policy measures to improve their impact.


Third Advisory Group of the Programme
6 March 2019 | Tunis

Beneficiary countries and partners discussed the activities of the second year of the Programme, their impact and endorsed the proposed programme of work for the third year of implementation.


Measuring FDI and its impact on sustainable development in the Mediterranean
5 March 2019 | Tunis

The regional seminar focused on FDI statistics and capacity to monitor the socio-economic impact of FDI with a view to orient policy reforms. It was followed by a national workshop on FDI Statistics for Tunisia.


Investment dispute management and prevention
June 2018 | Cairo

The regional seminar held in Cairo on 26-27 June 2018 in co-operation with CRCICA gathered over 140 participants from 8 MED countries. The aim was to build capacities for dealing with and preventing investor-State disputes, in a context of ever more international investment disputes, notably in MED countries, and growing concerns globally.


Business linkages for inclusive investment
April 2018 | Beirut

The regional seminar on “Promoting Business Linkages in Global Value Chains: Policies and Tools” (17-18 April 2018, Beirut) and the national workshop on “Inclusive investment for local development in Lebanon” (19 April 2018) discussed ways to attract investment that generates linkages between multi-national enterprises (MNEs) and domestic SMEs.


Second Advisory Group Meeting
March 2018 | Paris

At the 20 March 2018 meeting, beneficiary countries and partners discussed the activities of the Programme’s first year, lessons learnt and future challenges. Participants also discussed and endorsed the proposed programme of work for the second year of implementation.


Institutional Reforms of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs)
January 2018 | Rabat

The regional seminar (30-31 January 2018, Rabat) provided a platform for MED and EU IPAs to exchange on their institutional frameworks for investment promotion and on-going reforms. The seminar was followed by a national workshop on “Transformation of the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Exports Development (AMDIE): Good Practices and International Perspective” (1 February 2018).


Sustainable investment and responsible business conduct (RBC) in the Mediterranean
November 2017 | Cairo

The regional seminar (6-7 November 2017, Cairo) offered an interactive platform for exchange on how governments are integrating RBC standards in their investment policies. The seminar was followed by a national workshop organised to help Egypt raise awareness of government stakeholders and support the set-up of the National Contact Point (NCP) under the OECD Declaration on International Investment.


Investment promotion: focus on incentives and territorial development
October 2017 | Paris

Organised back-to-back with the OECD Investment Committee and its Network of Investment Promotion Agencies, the regional seminar on “Making Investment Promotion Work for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean” (16-17 October 2017, Paris) focused on the effective use of incentives and reforms to decentralise investment promotion and provided strong peer-learning impact for participants.


Legal investment reforms in the Mediterranean region
May 2017 | Tunis

The regional seminar on “Improving Investment Frameworks: a Focus on Regulatory Reforms” (16-17 May 2017, Tunis) took stock of legal reforms in the region, debated challenges to create an enabling regulatory framework, and discussed restrictions to investment and their impact on attracting investors.


First Advisory Group Meeting
March 2017 | Paris

This meeting (7 March 2017, Paris) marked the end of the inception phase of the Programme. The Advisory Group presented the key findings of the scoping missions to four beneficiary countries, while discussions focussed on fine-tuning the Programme’s objectives according to beneficiary countries’ priorities and endorsing the road map for the first-year activities.


Launch of the Programme
3-4 October 2016 | Tunis

The OECD Secretary-General launched this four-year Programme in Tunisia at the MENA-OECD Ministerial Conference on 3-4 October 2016: 


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This initiative is financed
by the European Union



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