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  • 23-April-2024

    English, PDF, 2,793kb

    Neurotechnology toolkit

    This toolkit aims to support policymakers in implementing the OECD Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology.

  • 19-April-2024



    This page provides information on OECD work on scientometrics and bibliometrics. This field has has evolved over time from the study of indices for improving information retrieval from peer-reviewed scientific publications (commonly described as the “bibliometric” analysis of science) to cover other types of documents and information sources relating to science and technology.

    Related Documents
  • 5-avril-2024


    Principaux indicateurs de la science et de la technologie de l'OCDE

    Un jeu d'indicateurs mis à jour régulièrement qui reflète le niveau et la structure des efforts menés par les pays de l'OCDE et par une sélection d'économies non-membres dans les domaines de la science et de la technologie.

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  • 15-March-2024


    Mapping and testing product-level vulnerabilities in granular production networks

    This paper conducts an in-depth mapping of global value chain (GVC) vulnerabilities, using granular product-level trade data to identify vulnerable products with limited suppliers and substitutability. The study reveals that, in OECD countries, approximately 8% of foreign-sourced intermediate products are vulnerable, with about 50 products identified as highly vulnerable, particularly in the pharmaceutical, mining, and manufacturing sectors. The paper also introduces a quantitative framework for simulating supply shock transmission from upstream suppliers to downstream industries over the short and medium term. This framework leverages unique data that combine Inter-Country Input-Output with detailed product-level trade data from Comtrade. Through simulation exercises, the paper highlights the role of supplier concentration and geography in shock transmissions, as well as the effectiveness of policies in mitigating these impacts. This novel cross-country assessment of GVC disruptions provides new insights on how to manage supply chains in a global economy subject to multiple risks.
  • 12-mars-2024


    Statistiques du haut débit de l'OCDE

    La fibre optique et l'accès hertzien fixe (AHF ou accès fixe sans fil) ont connu la plus forte croissance des technologies fixes à haut débit depuis trois ans. Les abonnements à la fibre optique ont augmenté de 56 % entre juin 2020 et juin 2023, et les abonnements à l'AHF ont augmenté de 64 %.

    Documents connexes
  • 5-March-2024


    Explanatory memorandum on the updated OECD definition of an AI system

    In November 2023, OECD member countries approved a revised version of the Organisation’s definition of an AI system. This document contains proposed clarifications to the definition of an AI system contained in the 2019 OECD Recommendation on AI (the 'AI Principles') to support their continued relevance and technical soundness. The goal of the definition of an AI system in the OECD Recommendation is to articulate what is considered to be an AI system, for purposes of the recommendation.
  • 16-février-2024


    Tableaux des entrées-sorties (TES)

    Les tableaux des entrées‑sorties décrivent en détail le processus de production et les flux de biens et de services au sein des économies.

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  • 7-février-2024


    Échanges en valeur ajoutée

    Les flux d'échanges, traditionnellement mesurés en "valeur brute", comportent un problème de multiples comptages. Pour y remédier, il convient de mesurer les données du commerce extérieur en "valeur ajoutée". Cette approche permet d'identifier la valeur que les pays ajoutent (par le biais de la rémunération du travail, des taxes et des profits) à la production des biens et services exportés.

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  • 2-February-2024


    Eight lessons learned from comparing ocean economy measurement strategies across countries

    Many ocean economic activities are not readily visible in official statistics, hindering policymakers' access to crucial information for decision making. The OECD ocean economy measurement project aims to address this by aligning ocean economy statistics with broader economic data and ensuring international consistency. This paper compares the measurement strategies of eight OECD member countries using principles from the system of national accounts. It also highlights the ocean economy thematic accounts of four countries and summarises their methods. The paper concludes with recommendations for integrating ocean economy measurements with national accounting standards, a vital step for improving the evidence base for ocean policymaking.
  • 1-février-2024


    Statistiques de la recherche et développement (SRD)

    SRD est basée sur les données collectées par l’OCDE et Eurostat dans le cadre de l’enquête internationale OCDE/Eurostat sur les ressources allouées à la R-D.

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