
Prestations et questions sociales


Supporting early childhood education and care staff in the beginning of their careers

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff are central to promoting young children’s development, learning and well-being. Novice staff, defined as staff with up to three years of experience, account for 27% of staff in TALIS Starting Strong 2018. Novice staff are generally less educated than experienced staff in terms of the level of educational attainment and education or training with a focus specifically on working with children. More novice staff than experienced staff report a strong need for additional professional development in several areas, including “classroom/playgroup/group management” and “working with parents or families”. Policy approaches to support novice staff in ECEC can include ensuring that initial education prepares novice staff for their jobs by providing relevant knowledge specifically on working with children, supporting novice staff to engage in ongoing professional development, and clarifying how novice staff can progress professionally.

Available from January 25, 2024

In series:OECD Education Policy Perspectivesview more titles