

Health Systems Characteristics


How is care delivered in OECD countries? What characterises the funding? How are resources allocated?

Responses from the OECD Health System Characteristics Survey are available online, providing access to the most recent information on key institutional characteristics of health systems of OECD countries, key partners and accession countries for its 2023, 2016 and 2012 editions, as well as Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries for its 2018 edition.



RESULTS FROM THE OECD Health Systems Characteristics SURVEYS

The 2023 survey round aimed to mainly track changes since 2016 and 2012. It focused on a “core” set of questions covering key characteristics of the health systems across OECD countries. Some questions were updated to improve their understanding, and new questions were added.

The survey was collected with an updated data survey tool between July and November 2023. In 2018, the Inter-American Development Bank and the OECD launched a survey to collect information on key health system characteristics in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. This survey draws heavily on the OECD survey.




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