
Développement régional, urbain et rural


Housing in Italy through the Telescope and the Microphone

International Perspectives and Experiences from Housing Project Stakeholders

As in most OECD countries, obtaining good-quality housing in a location facilitating access to jobs, public services and amenities can be very challenging for Italian households with low or unstable income. This book sheds light on access to housing in Italy from two different, complementary vantage points. First, it puts the Italian housing market in international perspective using OECD statistics and analysis to compare housing policies and outcomes in Italy to other OECD countries. Second, it zooms in on selected Italian innovative housing projects, where it asks residents and other stakeholders about their experiences with these initiatives: what were their difficulties, how have the projects been designed and developed, what did the projects bring to them?

Published on October 17, 2023Also available in: Italian


The Italian Housing Sector in International Perspective
Social housing, an Italian project Places, practices and stories
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