

  • 20-November-2020

    English, PDF, 1,344kb

    2020 Annual International Migration and Forced Displacement Trends and Policies Report to the G20

    Latest available data indicate a significant increase in overall migration flows to G20 countries in 2019 with about 12.5 million new temporary and permanent immigrants. This represents a 10% increase compared to the previous year. The evolution of migration flows in the first six months of 2020 however shows a dramatic drop in immigration trends.

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  • 19-October-2020


    What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants and their children?

    Both the experience from previous economic crises and first indications on labour market and social outcomes during the current pandemic suggest that the COVID‑19 crisis is likely to have a disproportionate impact on immigrants and their children. This policy brief provides first evidence on how the pandemic has affected immigrants and their children in terms of health, jobs, education, language training and other integration measures, and public opinion, and describes host countries’ policy responses. It complements a previous brief on the impact of the pandemic on migration management.
  • 15-October-2020


    Sustainable Reintegration of Returning Migrants - A Better Homecoming

    For many OECD countries, how to ensure the safe and dignified return to their origin countries of migrants who do not have grounds to remain is a key question. Alongside removal, return and reintegration assistance have become an integral part of the response. Development cooperation is expanding its activity to support the capacity of countries of origin to reintegrate all returning migrants. Sustainable Reintegration of Returning Migrants: A Better Homecoming reports the results of a multi-country peer review project carried out by the OECD, with support from the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It examines factors that can help improve the sustainability of reintegration at the individual level and at the programme level in countries of destination and origin. The report examines how casework and community-based programmes can increase uptake and improve outcomes. It identifies key elements of an effective individual reintegration programme, including outreach and counselling, case management and referral, and partnerships. The report makes proposals about how to improve programme design, evaluation, and monitoring, indicating areas where countries could co-operate more in implementation of programmes and in coordination with origin countries.
  • 2-September-2020


    All Hands In? Making Diversity Work for All

    OECD societies have become increasingly diverse in the past decades, offering new opportunities if diversity is properly managed. Ensuring that OECD countries are equipped to make the most of diversity by fully utilising all talent among diverse populations and promoting inclusive labour markets is a key challenge. Both businesses and governments are responding to this challenge with policies to strengthen the inclusion of diverse groups in the workplace and labour markets. This report considers five key groups who are widely considered disadvantaged in the labour market and society at large and who often face discrimination based on their group membership: immigrants, their descendants and ethnic minorities; LGBT people; older people; people with disabilities; and women. It assesses: i) how the inclusion of these groups in OECD labour markets has evolved over time, ii) the evidence on how diversity affects economic outcomes; and iii) which policies countries have implemented and what is known about their effectiveness.
  • 10-juin-2020


    Gérer les migrations internationales dans le contexte du COVID-19

    La présente note étudie les mesures migratoires prises par les pays de l’OCDE en réponse à la pandémie du COVID‑19. Elle examine l’adoption et la mise en œuvre de mesures de court terme entre mars et début juin et recense certains des défis que pourrait poser la gestion des migrations à moyen et à long terme en raison de la crise sanitaire mondiale.
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  • 13-mai-2020


    Contribution des médecins et des infirmiers migrants à la lutte contre la crise du COVID-19 dans les pays de l’OCDE

    Cet exposé général s’intéresse à la contribution des médecins et des infirmiers migrants aux systèmes de santé de l’OCDE et à la manière dont les pays de l’OCDE ont adapté leurs approches de la reconnaissance des diplômes étrangers afin de faire appel à des médecins et des infirmiers supplémentaires formés à l’étranger face à l’épidémie de COVID-19. Il met également en évidence les éventuelles répercussions sur les pays d’origine de ces travailleurs, qui rencontraient déjà, pour certains, de graves pénuries de professionnels de santé qualifiés avant la pandémie de COVID-19, et souligne la nécessité d’une réponse globale à la pénurie mondiale de personnels de santé.
  • 9-March-2020


    Women and climate change in the Sahel

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the gendered impacts of climate change in the Sahel. In particular, it explores the ways in which gender inequality is a critical factor in understanding vulnerability and resilience efforts concerning climate change. It shows that the current climate crisis is affecting livelihoods throughout the Sahel in pronounced ways. In a region highly dependent upon subsistence agriculture and pastoralist livelihoods, climate variability and environmental degradation have made such livelihoods difficult to sustain, the effects of which have broad ranging impacts on social and economic systems. Consequently, migration, livelihood adaptation, social unrest, and political instability emerge from the ecological challenges the Sahel is facing. Those with the resources to respond to and prepare for future climate events will be better equipped to navigate the climate crisis. Unfortunately, those resources are rarely equally distributed at the household, community, and state levels. In particular, gender inequalities within the Sahel pose a very real challenge for adaptation and resilience strategies as states and global institutions make interventions to support at risk populations. The paper then explores what development and state institutions are doing to resolve gender inequity through climate resilience policy, and where these efforts are falling short. The paper concludes with some strategies to improve opportunities for gender equity and climate resilience based on field research within the Sahel.
  • 20-February-2020


    Innovative Approaches for the Management of Labor Migration in Asia

    This report analyzes labor migration trends in Asia and puts them in the context of demographic and policy trends. It provides an overview of the population trends in different Asian countries and looks at policy settings in several sending and destination countries of labor migrants. It examines different approaches to effective labor migration management, including the imposition and regulation of fees and costs, and reviews the relevant policies in Asia and the Pacific. The report also looks forward to new approaches, examining the concept of skills mobility partnerships and how existing migration channels in Asia could be innovated using this concept. The chapters reflect the discussions that took place at the 'Ninth Roundtable on Labor Migration in Asia: Innovative Approaches for the Effective Management of Labor Migration in Asia,' held in Tokyo in February 2019. The event, co-organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the International Labour Organization, brought together regional experts and policy makers. The report provides the most up-to-date comparative statistics on labor migration flows in and from Asia. The introductory chapter reviews the recent regional trends and newly available data on the changes in the stock of Asian migrants, while two statistical annexes offer detailed country fact sheets and coverage of intra-Asia and cross-regional migration flows.
  • 18-December-2019

    English, PDF, 2,423kb

    Finding their way: the integration of refugees in Portugal

    Two thirds of the increase in asylum requests was driven by Portugal’s active participation in the EU emergency schemes.

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  • 18-décembre-2019


    Prêts à aider ? - Améliorer la résilience des dispositifs d’intégration pour les réfugiés et les autres immigrés vulnérables

    Ce rapport porte sur les mesures à même d’améliorer la résilience des systèmes de gestion des afflux soudains et massifs de réfugiés et d’autres immigrés vulnérables. Il débute par une vue d’ensemble des flux récents d’immigrés en quête de protection, en étudie les conséquences économiques probables et décrit l’action multilatérale sans précédent qui en a résulté. Il examine ensuite le processus d’intégration des réfugiés et des autres immigrés vulnérables au regard de leurs résultats économiques et sociaux et de certains facteurs particuliers de vulnérabilité. Il propose également une évaluation globale des politiques de transition actuelles visant à aider les réfugiés à vivre dans les pays de destination et de transit, ainsi que dans les pays d’origine en cas de retour. Enfin, le rapport aborde des questions liées à l’anticipation, au suivi et à la réactivité, en examinant le rôle des mécanismes d’alerte précoce et les possibilités d’amélioration de l’information de manière à mieux suivre les résultats de l’intégration et à définir les politiques à mettre en œuvre.
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