

Trends in ESG Investing and Quality Infrastructure Investment in Asia-Pacific


Date of publication
14 January 2022


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14 January 2022 - In recent years, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has evolved to become a leading investment approach for investors seeking to pursue forms of sustainable finance and the Asia-Pacific region is no exception.


This report examines the implementation of ESG trends in financial markets throughout the Asia-Pacific region. It looks at effective approaches and challenges and provides key insights on ESG disclosure and data indicators. The report then examines how ESG risks are being applied for infrastructure investment and how the application of ESG considerations could be advanced when investing in infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.


APEC Finance Ministers under Chile’s Host Year in 2019 commissioned the OECD to undertake this work and the resulting report was submitted to the APEC 2021 Finance Ministers’ Process.







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