

The Blue Dot Network: A proposal for a global certification framework for quality infrastructure investment


21 March 2022


21 March 2022- The Blue Dot Network represents an innovative solution to help mobilise private sector investment by identifying and encouraging market-driven, transparent and sustainable infrastructure projects. It establishes a voluntary, private-sector focused, government-supported project-level certification scheme developed in alignment with the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, the Sustainable Development Goals, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards, the Equator Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Infrastructure. By promoting, facilitating and streamlining the application of international standards and best practices, the Blue Dot Network aims to create a level playing field and build trust around quality infrastructure investments.


This document presents an evidence-based proposal for a credible, efficient, transparent and sustainable certification framework that can provide a basis for operationalising the Blue Dot Network. It synthesises more than a year of intensive research and multi-stakeholder consultations.


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News release: The OECD proposes a prototype for the Blue Dot Network to operationalise quality infrastructure projects | version française


Read more about OECD and the Blue Dot Network



4 June 2021 - This document contains the main findings from a survey of private sector and civil society stakeholders to assess the demand for and the merits of a global certification framework as proposed by the Blue Dot Network. It assesses the appetite of respondents for a global certification framework and considers how the Blue Dot Network could best support private participation in infrastructure investment in low- and middle-income countries by exploring participants’ perceptions of the obstacles and risks. It also examines how the Blue Dot Network can promote the application of best-in-class standards and the integration of sustainability considerations into infrastructure investment and development activities. It provide inputs for the development of the global certification framework to help ensure that the framework will meet the needs of government, private sector and civil society stakeholders from all regions of the world. This document informed discussions at the inaugural meeting of the Blue Dot Network Executive Consultation Group on 7 June 2021.


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