


Strengthening FDI and SME Linkages in Czechia

This report assesses the potential for linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Czechia, and provides policy recommendations to foster productivity and innovation spillovers to the local economy. The report examines the quality of investment that the country attracts, the productive and innovative capacities of Czech SMEs, and a broad range of economic, business and policy conditions that can strengthen knowledge and technology diffusion from foreign multinationals to domestic enterprises. It also assesses Czechia’s institutional environment and policy mix across the areas of international investment, SMEs and entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development, noting areas for policy reform. The report includes a regional focus on the potential for FDI and SME linkages and spillovers in South Moravia and Usti.

Published on May 28, 2024


Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Overview and key policy considerations
Enabling conditions for FDI and SME linkages
FDI spillovers at play for Czech SMEs
The institutional and governance framework for FDI and SME linkages
The policy mix for FDI and SME linkages
Applying a regional lens: Ústí nad Labem and South Moravia
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