
Gouvernement d'entreprise

Third meeting of the Eurasia Group on Corporate Governance for Capital Market Development


13 December, 2012, Istanbul


The third meeting of the Eurasia Group on Corporate Governance for Capital Markets Development took place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 13 December 2012. Hosted by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey and Istanbul Borsasi, the meeting focused on the Group’s conclusions and recommendations on the corporate governance and capital markets landscape in Eurasia.


The Group, including high-level representatives of regulators, stock exchanges, and market participants from the region along with experts from OECD countries and other international organisations discussed five corporate governance reform priorities for capital market development drawn from its report, as a basis for focusing on future steps. These include:


  • Strengthening the capacity and independence of market regulators to ensure even-handed protection of shareholder rights and timely and transparent disclosure to the market,
  • Strengthening stock exchange infrastructure including systems to improve corporate governance,
  • Improving disclosure of financial and non-financial information to meet international standards,
  • Establishing effective and professional boards of directors, and
  • Supporting capital market development through state-owned enterprise listings on local Eurasian markets.


Recognising the role of the Group as a forum in which they can share experiences amongst themselves and with their colleagues from international organisations, participants agreed that the Group should continue supporting reform efforts both at the regional and country level and move ahead with the preparation of country-specific strategies and priorities for corporate governance and capital market development.


Meeting documents


More about the Eurasia Group on Corporate Governance for Capital Market Development.


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