


Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in the United States

The US food and agriculture sector is innovative, competitive and export-oriented. Changes in national and global demand offer further opportunities for US agri-food products, although climate change and other resource constraints could create additional challenges, in particular in some regions. Maintaining high productivity growth, while improving the sustainable use of resources will require further innovation. In a policy environment generally favourable to investment  and innovation, the strong US agricultural innovation system is expected to continue to create innovations that will be widely adopted, to the extent that these can be widely accepted.  

Published on November 10, 2016

In series:OECD Food and Agricultural Reviewsview more titles


Executive Summary
Overall assessment and recommendations
Overview of the food and agricultural situation in the United States
Economic stability and trust in institutions in the United States
Investment in the US food and agriculture system
Capacity building and services for the US food and agriculture system
US domestic and trade-related agricultural policy
The US agricultural innovation system
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