

Development Finance for Climate and Environment


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Development finance from bilateral and multilateral institutions supports climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well other environmental objectives such as biodiversity.
Succinct analysis of the latest trends of bilateral climate finance is available below, together with the full dataset on climate-related development finance, a data explorer tool and methodological documents.

Climate-related official development assistance

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Trends in bilateral climate-related ODA

DAC members' bilateral ODA for climate change is on an upward trajectory, both in volume and as a share of the total. In 2021-22, such ODA represented about a third of members' total bilateral allocable ODA.

Apart from ODA, DAC members allocate other financial resources for climate objectives, such as other official flows (OOFs) – loans that do not meet the ODA definition, for example, in terms of concessionality.

Explore the data:

Bilateral provider perspective

Partner country perspective

Climate and environment-related ODA to fragile contexts

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Trends in climate and environment related ODA to fragile contexts

Environmental fragility is one of the six dimensions of the OECD Fragility framework. It reflects the complex links between climate change, environmental degradation, desertification and biodiversity loss on the one hand, and conflict and fragility on the other.

Fragile contexts receive a lower share of climate- and environment-related ODA than other developing countries and regions.

Climate-related development finance datasets

Recipient perspective [ xslx, 4-6 MB each ]



Provider perspective [ xslx, 4-6 MB each ]

Other datasets


The OECD DAC statistics track development finance in support of climate change adaptation and mitigation through two “Rio markers” that identify if climate change is the principal objective of the activity, or a significant one. The detailed methodology for Rio markers is available in the DAC Statistical Directives – Annex 20.

The climate-related development finance statistics published on this page also include the “climate components” reported by Multilateral Development Banks. The climate components methodology identifies the components of a project that directly contribute to or promote adaptation and/or mitigation. It is a quantitative measure expressed in USD. The components are calculated in accordance with the joint MDB methodology for tracking climate mitigation finance and the joint MDB methodology for tracking climate adaptation finance.

Multilateral climate-related development finance

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