
Policy Briefs

  • 8-March-2024

    English, PDF, 549kb

    Policy brief - Real wages regaining some of the lost ground

    After a decline in the past two years, real wages are now growing on an annual basis in several countries but remain below 2019 levels in most. In Q3 2023, yearly real wage growth was positive in 25 of the 35 countries with available data at 1.4%.

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  • 9-March-2023

    English, PDF, 226kb

    Teleworking, workplace policies and trust: A critical relationship in the hybrid world of work

    Among the various short-term responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking appears to have evolved into a more permanent change in working practices. However, much remains unknown about its impact on employment relationships within firms.

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  • 27-February-2023

    English, PDF, 584kb

    Income support for jobseekers: Trade-offs and current reforms

    Unemployment benefits (UBs) play a vital role in insuring individuals against income shocks and stabilising aggregate demand during times of crisis. Recent labour market upheavals, as well as new insights emerging from research, have highlighted the need for more tailored benefit systems, able to deliver timely benefits in a worker-centred, recession-ready way.

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  • 22-March-2020


    Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus (Policy Brief)

    This policy brief is a first attempt at setting out the employment and social-policy tools at governments’ disposal to counter the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 crisis. It is accompanied by an overview table of countries’ policy responses, available online, which will be continuously updated.

  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 336kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Labour Market Inclusion

    Mexico’s employment rate is low compared with other OECD countries. Women, youth and older workers in particular face many challenges in the labour market.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 11-December-2018

    English, PDF, 231kb

    Profiling Policy Brief

    Profiling tools, which assess the job finding prospects of jobseekers, differentiate jobseekers likely to become long-term unemployed from jobseekers likely to find work quickly. Thereby they help to deliver employment services more efficiently.

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  • 31-July-2018

    English, PDF, 322kb

    Netherlands Policy Brief: Towards a more gender-balanced sharing of paid and unpaid work

    Female labour participation has grown enormously in the Netherlands, but gender gaps in labour market outcomes persist. The gender pay gap for full-time workers is 14%, close to the OECD average, and the gender gap in working hours is large, as most women work part-time.

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  • 31-July-2018

    English, PDF, 320kb

    Latvia Policy Brief - Re-invigorating labour productivity growth in Latvia

    Better access to education and affordable housing would help strengthen the skills of the workforce, increase labour mobility and reduce skills matches.

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  • 28-March-2018

    English, PDF, 1,568kb

    Policy Brief: Putting a face behind the jobs at risk of automation

    Policy Brief on the Future of Work: Putting faces to the jobs at risk of automation

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  • 24-mai-2017

    Français, Excel, 4,162kb

    Synthèse sur l'avenir du travail - Le revenu de base : que changerait-il ?

    Les récents débats sur les propositions de revenu de base apportent un éclairage utile sur les problèmes que posent de plus en plus les formes traditionnelles de garantie de ressources. Les réformes visant à mettre en place une garantie de ressources plus largement ciblée devraient intervenir par phases, et nécessiteraient parallèlement un débat sur les moyens de financer un partage plus égal des fruits de la croissance économique.

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