
Emploi des jeunes

Personalised services for vulnerable groups


Youth Banner - Supporting implementation of youth policies


Project: "Developing a new approach to personalised services for vulnerable groups in Lithuania"  


- Personalised Public Services for People in Vulnerable Situations in Lithuania: Towards a More Integrated Approach (June 2023)

- Proposal for a more integrated approach of service delivery for vulnerable groups: Implementing a case management model (July 2023)

- Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for a New Case Management Model: Guidance note (September 2023) 

- An integrated approach to service delivery for people with multiple and complex needs: Working Paper (March 2024)


Context and objectives

Over the last 25 years, Lithuania has experienced strong economic performance and introduced bold reforms, substantially raising the well-being of its citizens. However, despite the rapid growth, 21.4% of the Lithuanian population lived at-risk-of poverty in 2020, compared to an average of 16.3% in EU countries. In addition, the risk of poverty is not evenly distributed across the population, with some social groups more vulnerable to socio-economic challenges and risks.

To address the complex and different needs of vulnerable groups, tailored and comprehensive support services are needed to help them integrate into social life and the labour market, and improve their well-being prospects.

Within this context, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with financial support from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), is providing technical support to Lithuania’s Ministry of Social Security and Labour to develop a new approach to personalised services for vulnerable groups. The project focuses on three vulnerable groups in particular: ex-prisoners, people with disabilities and young people leaving care


Outputs and activities


Assessment of the current system of public service delivery
Notes on good practices on service provision
Proposal for a more integrated approach
of service delivery for vulnerable groups
Guidance for developing a Monitoring and Evaluation framework for a new case management model
  • Analysis of the governance of public services and involvement of NGOs
  • Mapping of services and programmes for vulnerable groups
  • Analysis of the operating models and IT infrastructure
  • Description of users’ experiences interacting with the system of service delivery
  • Good practices on the involvement of NGOs in the provision of public services for vulnerable groups
  • Good practices on integrated services for vulnerable groups
  • Good practices on the integration of IT systems and data exchange to support service provision
  • Proposal for a more integrated approach of public services for the three vulnerable groups, with stronger involvement of the NGOs in the service provision
  • Development of a detailed roadmap for the design and implementation of selected elements of the integrated approach
  • Guidance note on how to develop a M&E framework to assess the design, implementation, and emerging outcomes of the new case management model
  • Training session to government officials on the development of a M&E framework



Relevance for other countries

This type of support could be relevant for other countries wishing to improve their services for vulnerable groups. Particular areas that may be of interest to other countries include: (i) improving public governance and cross-sector coordination and collaboration; (ii) involving users in policy elaboration and implementation; (iii) improving data exchange between institutions; (iii) enhancing NGO involvement in service design and provision; and (iv) design and implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks.


Related work

- OECD work on Youth employment and social policies

- OECD (2023), Design and Implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation framework for the Youth Guarantee Plus Plan 2021-2027 in Spain

- OECD (2022), Assisting Care Leavers: Time for Action

- OECD (2015), Integrating Social Services for Vulnerable Groups: Bridging Sectors for Better Service Delivery 

- OECD work on Active Labour Market Policies

- OECD work on Youth Empowerment and Intergenerational Justice

- OECD Recommendation on Creating Better Opportunities for Young People    


EU Flag DG Reform from 2023 - 30%

Funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument,
and implemented by the OECD, in cooperation with the European Commission. 


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