
Centre pour la Recherche et l'Innovation dans l'Enseignement - CERI

Teacher Education for Diversity Experts Meeting


Genoa, Italy

28-29 May 2009





1)  To discuss the research base on Teacher Education for Diversity and gaps in our knowledge, as well as strategies for building capacity

2) To consider synergies between the research base and strategies used by teachers addressing diversity in the classroom.

3) To discuss next steps for the TED project, including the preparation on the upcoming publication on “Effective Teacher Education for Diversity: Strategies and Challenges”.


28 May – Expert Session


9:30 – 10:00 Welcome

  • Host: Massimiliano Costa Vice President  and Education Councilor of Regione Liguria – Guido Amoretti Dean of The Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Genoa, Italy
  • Chair: Luisa Ribolzi, University of Genoa, Italy

10:00 – 10:30 Teacher Education for Diversity: Introduction to the project and goals for the meeting


10:30 – 11:15 Context, concepts, and available research

  • Challenges of diversity: Mikael Luciak, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Diversity/Disparity (or when does diversity become a risk?): Maddalena Colombo, University Cattolica of Milan, Italy


11:15- 11:45 coffee break


11:45 – 12:30 Context, concepts, and available research (continued)

  • Research base, existing strategies: Claire McGlynn, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Building research capacity: Pat Mahony, Roehampton University, England

12:30-14:00 Lunch


Chair: Andrea Torre, Centro Studi MEDI’, Genoa, Italy


14:00 – 15:45 Preparing teachers for diverse classrooms


15:45 – 16:00 coffee break


16:00 – 18:00 Classroom practices for diversity

  • Pedagogical tools: Geneva Gay, University of Washington, United States
  • Using diversity as a strength: Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Beyond the classroom to the school - Focus on graduation:  Bruce Garnett, Surrey School District, Canada;

Evening: Hosted dinner

29 May - Expert session, continued


Chair: Vanessa Shadoian-Gersing, OECD/CERI


9:00 – 10:45 Emerging key messages, Pending agenda

  • Respondent: Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg, Germany

10:45- 11:15 coffee break


OPEN SESSION (general audience)


11:15 – 12:15 OECD work on teachers

  • Teacher Education and Diversity – Tracey Burns, OECD/CERI
  • TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) - Ben Jensen, OECD
  • Discussion


12:15 – 12:45 Centro Studi Medì-

  • Maurizio Ambrosini, Scientific Director of Centro Studi Medì Genova and University of Milan, Italy


12:45 – 13:00 Close

  • Massimiliano Costa Vice President  and Education Councillor of Regione Liguria




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