
Centre pour la Recherche et l'Innovation dans l'Enseignement - CERI

Teacher Education for Diversity Experts Meeting - 25-26 October 2010


OECD/CERI Teacher Education for Diversity Thematic Seminar 25-26 October 2010 - Agenda


More than 60 participants from 20 countries attended the Teacher Education for Diversity seminar on 25-26 October 2010 in Brussels. Participants included senior representatives of research, policy, practice(teachers and teacher educators), civil society, and teacher unions. The conference was opened by Koen Pelleriaux, Head of the Flemish Minister’s Office. He was followed by Dirk Van Damme, Head of CERI, who spoke on ‘OECD/CERI Research on Innovating Teaching and Learning’. The seminar was organized as intensive workshops consisting of formal presentations, responses, and targeted discussions on the two key themes of the meeting:

  • Attracting and retaining diverse student teachers
  • Educating the teacher educators for diversity issues



9:30 – 11:00 Welcome and Opening Session
Chair: Natalie Verstraete, Head of International Relations in Education, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training

  • Teacher Education for Diversity: The Flemish experience, Koen Pelleriaux, Head of the Minister's Office, Flemish Ministry for Education, Youth, Equal Opportunities
  • OECD/CERI Research on Innovating Teaching and Learning, Dirk Van Damme, Head of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD 
  • Teacher Education for Diversity: Key topics and goals of the meeting, Tracey Burns, Analyst, CERI/OECD  


11:00- 11:30 coffee break

11:30-13:00: First round of workshops:

Group A: Preparing teacher educators for diversity: competencies and challenges

  • Chair/Lead input: Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg (Germany)
  • Discussant 1: Piet Van Avermaet, University of Ghent (Belgium)
  • Discussant 2: Anneke Boot (Ministry of Education, The Netherlands)

Group B: Attracting and retaining diverse student teachers

  • Chair/Lead input: John Bangs, Education International (UK)
  • Discussant 1: Mirja Talib, University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • Discussant 2: Rick Wolff, RISBO (The Netherlands)


Group C: Preparing teacher educators for diversity: competencies and challenges

  • Chair/Lead input: Victoria Chou, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
  • Discussant 1: Mohamed Ridouani, Alderman, City of Leuven (Belgium)
  • Discussant 2: Gabriele Khan, University College PH Kärnten (Austria)  

13:00 – 14:00 lunch


14:00-15:15: First round of workshops (Continued). The workshop sessions reconvene to identify the most important conclusions from the initial discussion. This second half of the workshop is structured as discussion and identifying concrete steps or conclusions of the session.


15:15 – 15:45 coffee break


15: 45 -17:30: Second round of workshops:

Group A: Attracting and retaining diverse student teachers

  • Chair/Lead input: Rick Wolff, RISBO (The Netherlands)
  • Discussant 1: Karin Goosen, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Discussant 2: Jean-Luc Thill, Ministry of Education and Training (Luxembourg)

Group B: Preparing teacher educators for diversity: competencies and challenges

Group C: Attracting and retaining diverse student teachers

  • Chair/Lead input: John Bangs, Education International (UK)
  • Discussant 1: Anna Cook, Ministry of Education (New Zealand)
  • Discussant 2: Hein Lundquist, Buskerud University College (Norway)- TBC 

19:00: dinner at Het Dakterras (“Rooftop Garden”), Flemish Parliament Building

Tuesday 26 October 2010

9:00-10:15: Second Round of Workshops (continued). The workshop sessions reconvene to identify the most important conclusions from the initial discussion. This second half of the workshop is structured as discussion and then wrapping up, including identifying concrete steps or conclusions of the session.

10:15- 10:45 coffee break


10:45 – 12:30: Reflections and Key Conclusions: A panel reflects on the key conclusions from the workshops. Host: Lief Vandevoort, Vandevoort Consulting


12:30 – 13:00: Pending Agenda:

  • Micheline Scheys, Secretary General, Department of Education and Training, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
  • Tracey Burns, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development


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