
Centre pour la Recherche et l'Innovation dans l'Enseignement - CERI

Second GCES thematic conference: "Effective Governance on the Local Level", 16-17 April 2012, Warsaw, Poland



This conference is the second in a series of three for the OECD project entitled “Governing Complex Education Systems". It is also the international conference for the Polish project “Improving Education Management Strategies at Local and Regional Levels“, funded by the Polish Operational Program Human Capital. The conference will look at the role of local stakeholders in the governance of complex education systems, asking the following two questions:

What is the role of local authorities and schools in the governance process? And how can we ensure that local authorities and schools have the capacity to govern their local systems and that local stakeholders are holding them accountable?

The main topics of the meeting are:

  • Challenges that local authorities and schools are facing with accountability structures and measures.
  • The types of capacity building and knowledge systems that are needed on the local level to meet the challenge of complexity.
  • Challenges for local authorities and schools in terms of designing long-term strategies.
  • Discussion of the first results of a case study on Poland.

Meeting information



PowerPoint presentations

Opening Presentation I – Miroslaw  Sielatycki
Opening Presentation II – Tracey Burns
Two Decades of Decentralisation in Education Governance: Lessons Learned and Future Outlook for Local Stakeholders – Marius R. Busemeyer
Capacity Building on the Local Level: The Role of Knowledge and Use of Research – Philippa Cordingley
Goals of the Meeting – Harald Wilkoszewski
Poland Case Study – Marcin Jewdokimow, Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz, Bartlomiej Walczak
Accountability Structures and Measures: The Challenges Faced by Schools and Local Authorities – Edith Hooge
Differentiation of Local School Systems: The Use of National Examination Systems to Evaluate Education Processes at the Local Level – Roman Dolata and Artur Pokropek
Closing Presentation – Tracey Burns

Background documents

"Getting It Right: Capacity Building for Local Stakeholders in Education"

"Looking Beyond the Numbers: Stakeholders and Multiple School Accountability"


Upcoming thematic conference

"Effective Multilevel Governance" - planned for end 2012, location to be announced.


Documents connexes