
Centre pour la Recherche et l'Innovation dans l'Enseignement - CERI

Bruno della Chiesa


Senior Analyst

Bruno della Chiesa is manager of the CERI project entitled: "Globalization and Linguistic Competencies " and is responsible for:

  • Definition of the work program.
  • Supervision and organisation of research projects and of related conferences.
  • Resource management (searching for and managing voluntary contributions).
  • Production and dissemination of reports and publications (through the dedicated website and elsewhere).
  • Supervision of the team (web editor, analysts, consultants, student internships, assistants).

Education/Academic background

1989 - DEA - Didactique du Français Langue Etrangère (Paris III Sorbonne N.)
1985 - Maîtrise (MA in Education) - Didactique du Français Langue Etrangère (Paris III Sorbonne N.)
1983 - Licence (BA) - Langues Vivantes Etrangères (Universities Nancy/France, and Bonn/Germany)


1999-present - CERI, OECD (Senior Analyst/Project Manager)
2008-present – Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge MA, USA) Visiting Lecturer
1994-1999 - Departement Vienne (France) Director of International Relations
1990-1994 - French Institute, Graz (Austria) Director (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
1987-1990 - University of Guadalajara (Mexico) Coordinator of the French Department
1985-1987 - CSF,Cairo (Egypt) French teacher


French (mother tongue)
German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Spanish (fluent)

OECD Publications:

  • Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science, OECD (2007)
    Coordinator and Editor 
    Results of the OECD-CERI project “Learning Sciences and Brain Research”, phases 1 and 2 
    (also available in French, and soon in Chinese, Japanese and Spanish).
  • Understanding the Brain – Towards a New Learning Science, OECD (2002)
    Coordinator and Editor 
    Results of the OECD-CERI project “Learning Sciences and Brain Research”, phase 1 
    (also available in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish).
  • Los Desafíos de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la Educación,
    OECD/Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (2002).
    Coordinator and Editor 
    Proceedings of the OECD-CERI Spanish Speaking Seminar, Santander, Spain, 2001; and translation of the OECD publication “Learning to Change: ICT in Schools”.
  • Lernen in der Wissensgesellschaft, OECD, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (Austria); Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung (Germany); Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (Switzerland); StudienVerlag Innsbruck (2002).
    Coordinator and Editor
    Proceedings of the OECD-CERI German Speaking Seminar, Esslingen, Germany 2001.
      “Rolle der Bildungssysteme in der Wissensgesellschaft: eine Einleitung", in OECD, et al., Lernen in der Wissensgesellschaft, StudienVerlag Innsbruck (2002), pp. 129-169.
  • Learning to Innovate: Learning Regions, OECD/IDR (2001).
    Coordinator and Editor 
    Proceedings of the OECD-CERI conference on Learning Regions, Malaga, Spain, 1999.
  • Innovations in the Education System as a Supranational Task, OECD Occasional Paper, 2001.
    Coordinator and Editor 
    Summary of the German-Speaking Seminars between 1977 and 1999.
  • Learning Regions and ICT: the Case of the Vienne Region, OECD Occasional Paper, 1998.
  • Die Vielfalt orchestrieren – Steuerungsaufgaben der zentralen Instanz bei grösserer Selbständigkeit der Einzelschulen, OECD; Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (Austria); Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung (Germany); Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (Switzerland) (StudienVerlag Innsbruck; 2000).
    Coordinator and Editor – Proceedings.

Other articles related to Educational Neuroscience published in 2008/2009

  • Introduction to Education, sciences cognitive et neurosciences
    sous l’égide de l’Académie des Sciences
    PUF -Presses Universitaires de France- (mai 2008), pp.7-12 & 20.
    (with comments : pp. 83-84, 88, 110-111, 146, 192, 198-199, 205, 212)
  • “Brain research, learning and emotions: Implications for education research, policy and practice”.
    In European Journal of Education, 2008, 43 (1), pp. 87-103. (with Ch. Hinton & K. Miyamoto)
  • “Unlocking the secrets of mankind's most powerful machine”
    In Learning Scotland, Spring 2008, pp. 14-15. (with K. Miyamoto)
  • "Long Live Lifelong Brain Plasticity!"
    In Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE), Helsinki, 2008, Vol. XIII/2, pp. 78-85.
  • “Neurociencia y docentes: crónica de un encuentro” (co-author: Christoph, V.)
    In Cuadernos de pedagogía, vol. 386, January 2009, pp. 92-96
  • Beginning in the Brain: Pioneering the Field of Educational Neuroscience, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Usable Knowledge website
  • “How Many Brains Does It Take to Build a New Light: Knowledge Management Challenges of a Transdisciplinary Project” (with V. Christoph & Ch. Hinton)
    In Mind, Brain and Education Journal, 3 (1) March 2009, pp. 17-26.
  • "Ce qu’on sait sur la mémoire…et tout ce qui reste à apprendre"
    In Cahiers Pédagogiques, Paris, vol. 474, June 2009, pp.28-31


Contact information:

2, rue André Pascal
75775 Paris, Cedex 16
Telephone : 33-1 45 24 96 89

Fax: 33-1 44 30 63 94


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