
Philanthropie et secteur privé

“Exploring a New Global Partnership for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Context of the UNLDC IV


International Dialogue

24-26 November, Dhaka (Bangladesh)


As part of its activism to promote and advance the interests and concerns of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (UNLDC IV), the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Bangladesh in association with the OECD Development Centre, Paris organized an International Dialogue on “Exploring a New Global Partnership for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Context of UNLDC IV” in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 24-26 November 2010. The partners of the dialogue were the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dhaka, the Commonwealth Secretariat, United Kingdom and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Switzerland.

Within the context of the Fourth United Nations Conference on LDCs (UN LDC IV), taking place in Istanbul, Turkey on 9-13 May 2011, the objective of this event was to generate recommendations towards a framework for a new international agreement in support of the LDCs. The dialogue reflected on the critical elements that should be included in the future global partnership of the LDCs. It was attended by high level policy makers, leaders of civil society organizations and think tanks, development organizations, non-governmental organizations, apex bodies, private sector, academics, experts, and stakeholders globally.

The dialogue focused on a select but critical set of strategies and thematic issues concentrating on the following areas:
• Enhancing Trade - Looking for more effective market access and beyond. Full and faithful implementation of duty free and quota free market access for LDC exports of goods.
• Promoting Investment - Supporting investment flows to productive sectors, particularly in agriculture, manufacturing and modern services and physical infrastructure.
• Access to Technology - Improving access to technology and strengthening science, technology and innovation (STI) capacities for accelerated growth and diversification.
• ODA for Productive Capacity Development - Meeting international commitments and improving quality of foreign aid flows.
• Domestic Institutional and Policy Reforms - Exploring external coherence through collateral domestic changes.


Agenda (PDF)

Concept note (PDF)

Outcome document - Zero draft (PDF)

Follow-up events:

     - Road to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, 17 March 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

     - UN-DESA Development Policy Seminar, 22 March 2011, New York, United States

     - Istanbul Development Symposium, 10 May 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, in collaboration with CPDICTSD, Commonwealth Secretariat


For more information please contact: 


> Dr. Fahmida Khatun
    Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)   
  House 40C, Road 11, Dhanmondi R/A   
  Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh   
  Tel: +88 02 9141703; 9141734  
  Fax: +8802 8130951


> Dr. Anna Batyra
  Development Finance Network (DeFiNe)

  Partnerships and Networks
  OECD Development Centre 

  2, rue Andre Pascal
  75775 Paris Cedex 16
  Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 82 98
  Fax: +33 (0) 1 44 30 61 50








Background documents:

Evidence based Monitoring System for effective Aid for Trade, by Lichia Yiu & Raymond Saner, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) 

Implementing a Subnational Results-Oriented Management and Budgeting System: Lessons From Medellin, Colombia, Sept. 2009, by Rafael Gomez, Mauricio Olivera, Mario A. Velasco; Independant Evaluation Group


Media coverage:

LDC dialogue sees decline in North-South order, The News Today,  27 Nov.  2010

Call for more active role of development partners, The Daily Star, 27 Nov. 2010
LDCs must tap new economic order, The Financial Express (Bangladesh),  27 Nov. 2010

LDC dialogue spotlights domestic investment, The Daily Star, 26 Nov. 2010

Muhith calls for redefining LDCs, New Age, 25 Nov. 2010

Come out of the box: Trade experts spur developed world, The Daily Star, 25 Nov. 2010

LDCs An overview,  The Daily Star, 25 Nov. 2010

Muhith for new LDC strategy, The Daily Star, 25 Nov. 2010

Bangladesh to focus needs of LDCs in Ankara meet: Muhith, The News Today,  25 Nov. 2010
E-governance can act as major deterrent against corruption: Muhith, The Financial Express (Bangladesh),  25 Nov. 2010

LDC dialogue kicks off today, The Daily Star, 24 Nov. 2010

International dialogue on LDCs begins today,  The Financial Express (Bangladesh), 24 Nov. 2010



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