
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI

Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) conference visit reports


CERI analysts and experts are invited all over the world to participate in conferences and present their work. This section highlights reports back from some of the most interesting missions.


What: Meetings at MEXT and two keynote presentations on quality assurance in higher education

Where: Tokyo, Japan

When: 24-27 October 2011

Who: Dirk Van Damme

Report: Dirk Van Damme was invited in Tokyo, Japan to make keynote presentations on higher education at two major conferences on quality assurance in higher education. He also met key officials at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to discuss the policy priorities with regards to teachers in Japan and the way that TALIS and other projects in CERI would be able to provide the comparative evidence to support policies. See his powerpoint presentation on the National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (NIAD-UE) 


What: Conference on the launch of the Proposition on Strategy for Innovation in Education organised by the Hugarian Institute for Educational Research and Development

Where: Budapest, Hungary

When: 22 September 2011

Who: Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin

Report: Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin was invited to give two presentations on the Innovation Strategy for Education and Training. He presented the the conceptual framework and the first results of the project and focused the second part of his intervention on the Hungarian Innovation Strategy. See the the summary report of the conference.


What: Seminar on the Strategy for Innovation in Education and Training organised by the Finnish Board of Education

Where: Helsinki, Finland

When: 13 September 2011

Who: Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin

Report: Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin presented the project strand on Skills and Education for Innovation and the first results for Finland. It was followed by an intensive discussion with the participants around school programmes and ways to stimulate creativity and communication skills within the classes. The discussion also question of how to use of technology to improve assessment. See the summary report of the seminar.


What: Conference on Blending International Perspectives of Innovative Learning and Leadership Practice

Where: Ohio, United States

When: 1-2 August 2011

Who: David Istance

Report: David Istance was invited as guest speaker at the Blending International Perspectives of Innovative Learning and Leadership Practice conference organised by the department of Ohio, United States. He gave a keynote on the first results of the Innovative Learning Environments project and ran a large workshop on Trends Shaping Education. He met educators and administrators, as well as head teachers from three of the schools that were selected to feature in the ILE project.


What: Seminar on Innovative Learning Environments: Inspiring our future teachers organised by the Chilean Ministry of Education

Where: Santiago, Chile

When: 5-6 August 2011

Who: David Istance

Report: The Innovative Learning Environments team was invited to give a keynote at the seminar on Innovative Learning Environments: Inspiring our future teachers. They coordinated workshops with the 150 participants, including pedagogy students from different universities in Santiago as well as a smaller group of teachers, education researchers and policy people from Santiago and other regions. The workshops were divided into three different subjects: ILE learning principles, equity and formative assessment.


What: 6th World Congress of Education International

Where: Cape Town, South Africa

When: 22-25 July 2011

Who: Dirk Van Damme

Report: Some 1800 delegates from EI’s membership convened in Cape Town International Conference Centre to discuss the organisation’s policy and internal matters. One of the highlights of this Congress was the discussion and adoption of EI’s Policy Paper on Education ‘Building the Future through Quality Education’. During the Congress, Dirk Van Damme had the opportunity to discuss ’s projects and especially the importance of TALIS in the teachers unions.


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