
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI

Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin


Senior Analyst and Project Manager

Stephan Vincent-Lancrin is currently responsible of two CERI projects: Innovation Strategy for education and training ” and “The future of higher education ”. His current interests cover: the nature and level of education and skills that are in demand in innovative societies; the innovation ecology in education (including higher education); the measurement of innovation in education.

He has been working on various topics related to higher education, educational innovation, and their economic and social impacts, including the internationalisation and future of higher education , e-learning knowledge management,  the role of education and training in regional innovation systems (learning cities and regions) and New Millennium Learners (NML).

Stéphan has authored many articles and book chapters and edited several reports, including the recent OECD/CERI publications on Higher Education to 2030 (volume 1: demography; volume 2: globalisation), Cross-border tertiary education : a way towards capacity development , and Internationalisation and trade in higher education. Beyond internationalization, his publications cover a broad range of topics like gender inequality, demography, ICT, innovation, capacity building, or finance and provision of higher education.

Before joining the OECD, Stéphan has worked for 7 years as lecturer and researcher in economics at the University of Paris-Nanterre and the London School of Economics.

He is a Marie Curie Fellow and a 2007 Fulbright New Century Scholar. He holds a PhD in economics, a grande école diploma in management, and a master’s in philosophy.


Contact information:

OECD Directorate for Education and Skills
2, rue André Pascal
75775 Paris, Cedex 16
Telephone : 33-1 45 24 92 29
Fax: 33-1 44 30 63 94


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