
Base erosion and profit shifting

OECD holds regional network meeting on BEPS in Asia


16/02/2015 - Following the release of the Strategy for Deepening Developing Country Engagement in the BEPS Project in November 2014, the Asia-Pacific Regional Network on BEPS held its meeting on 12 - 13 February 2015 in Seoul.  Over 50 senior tax officials from 21 jurisdictions and international organisations participated in the event, which was hosted by the Korean Policy Centre (Tax Programme). Discussions focused on BEPS issues of particular relevance for the Region and the development of toolkits to assist the implementation of solutions to counter BEPS. Business and civil society representatives participated in selected parts of the meeting and provided their regional perspectives on the BEPS Project.


The Co-Chairs of the meeting, Mr. Yoonjin Kang from Korea and Mr. John Hutagaol from Indonesia developed a summary of the discussions, highlighting the key outcomes. These will be discussed at the meeting of the Task Force on Tax and Development on 16-18 March 2015 and will feed the development of the BEPS outputs by the Committee on Fiscal Affairs and its Working Parties.

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Upcoming Regional Network Meetings include:

  • Latin America and the Caribbean: Lima, Peru, 26-27 February 2015, in partnership with CIAT (Inter-American Centre of Tax Administration);
  • Réseau Régional Francophone: Libreville,Gabon, 27 February 2015, in partnership with CREDAF (Centre de rencontre des administrations fiscales);
  • Eurasia: Ankara, Turkey,  4-5 March 2015;
  • Africa: Pretoria, South-Africa, 20-21 April 2015, in partnership with ATAF (African Tax Administration Forum).     


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