
The OECD Gender Initiative examines existing barriers to gender equality in education, employment, and entrepreneurship. This website monitors the progress made by governments to promote gender equality in both OECD and non- OECD countries and provides good practices based on analytical tools and reliable data. 

OECD Dashboard on Gender Gaps

The OECD Gender Dashboard gives a snapshot of how a country’s gender equality policies and outcomes compare to that of other OECD countries across policy domains.

>> Browse the dashboard

OECD Forum on Gender Equality

The 2024 OECD Forum on Gender Equality will address advancing gender equality amid green, energy, and digital transitions. 

>> Register


Why OECD countries must step up efforts to boost gender equality

Despite progress in recent years, women and girls still face disadvantages and barriers in most spheres of social and economic life. OECD countries must do more – explore our latest publication.

This new publication analyses developments and policies for gender equality, such as gender mainstreaming and budgeting, reforms to increase fathers’ involvement in parental leave and childcare, pay transparency initiatives to tackle gender pay gaps, and systems to address gender-based violence. It extends the perspective on gender equality to include foreign direct investment, nuclear energy and transport.

Advancing gender equality is not just a moral imperative; in times of rapidly ageing populations, low fertility and multiple crises, it will strengthen future gender-equal economic growth and social cohesion.

Key issues

Gender equality and work

Despite progress, women still fare worse than men in labour markets. Differences in employment rates, participation in part-time work, compensation and work quality lead to gender gaps in earnings and career advancement. This contributes to lower lifetime earnings and a greater risk of old-age poverty for women.

Key issues

Gender discrimination in social norms: Measuring the invisible

The discrimination embedded in social institutions – laws, social norms and practices – is a key driver of gender inequality, restricting the ability of women and girls to contribute to society and the economy. The OECD’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) measures such gender discrimination across 179 countries.

Key issues

Gender mainstreaming in policymaking

Policies are not always neutral; gender bias may be hiding in government decision making, which risks exacerbating inequality and discrimination. Gender mainstreaming, a strategic approach that integrates a gender lens in policymaking, can help governments achieve more equitable outcomes. This can help boost public trust in governments, reinforce democratic institutions and combat gender stereotypes.


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Latest Info

Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC)

Led by ILO, UN Women and the OECD, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) is a multi-stakeholder coalition to contribute to the achievement of SDG target 8.5 focusing on equal pay between women and men for work of equal value [Short Video]
