

  • 14-December-2022


    Rights in the digital age - Challenges and ways forward

    As our online and offline lives become increasingly interwoven, policy makers have to consider how to protect individual interests and rights. This paper considers the impact of digital transformation on internationally recognised human rights, legal and constitutional rights, and domestically protected interests. It sets out three case studies, freedom of expression, privacy and Internet access, and provides a brief overview of current international and domestic initiatives to protect 'rights in the digital age'. The paper sets the scene for further discussion on the issue and supports policy makers in designing and achieving a rights-oriented and human-centric digital transformation.
  • 14-December-2022


    Going Digital to Advance Data Governance for Growth and Well-being

    Data are generated wherever digital technologies are deployed namely, in almost every part of modern life. Using these data can empower individuals, drive innovation, enable new digital products and improve policy making and public service delivery. But as data become more widely used across sectors and applications, the potential for misuse and harm also grows. To advance data governance for growth and well-being, this report advocates a holistic and coherent approach to data governance, domestically and across borders. It examines how data have emerged as a strategic asset, with the ability to transform lives and confer economic advantage. It explains how the unique characteristics of data can pose complex trade-offs and challenge policies that pre-date the data-driven era. This report provides new insights, evidence and analysis and outlines considerations for better data governance policies in the digital age.
  • 14-December-2022


    Going Digital Guide to Data Governance Policy Making

    The ubiquitous collection, use, and sharing of data that power today’s economies challenge existing governance frameworks and policy approaches. Drawing on the extensive research and analysis conducted at the OECD on data governance, on countries’ policies and practices, and the OECD legal instruments in this area, the Going Digital Guide to Data Governance Policy Making supports policy makers in navigating three fundamental policy tensions that characterise efforts to develop, revise, and implement policies for data governance across policy domains in the digital age: balancing data openness and control while maximising trust; managing overlapping and potentially conflicting interests and regulations related to data; incentivising investments in data and their effective re-use. The operative part of the guide consists of a checklist of questions to orient policy makers as they develop and revise effective policies for data governance, based on possible policy approaches and real-life examples.
  • 14-December-2022


    Fostering cross-border data flows with trust

    Data flows are critical for our global economic and social interactions, but trust is necessary to facilitate data sharing, especially across borders. The challenge is to foster a global digital environment that enables the movement of data across international borders while ensuring that, upon crossing a border, data are granted the desired oversight and protection – a concept known as ‘data free flow with trust’ (DFFT). This report summarises how different countries and stakeholders are pursuing cross-border data flows with trust through direct and indirect approaches, across different levels, fora and policy communities. It then looks at related issues to promoting DFFT namely: interoperability of privacy and data protection frameworks; government access to personal data held by the private sector; and data localisation measures. The report shows that, although differences remain, there are commonalities, complementarities and elements of convergence that can help to build trust, foster future interoperability, and advance DFFT.
  • 14-December-2022


    Responding to societal challenges with data - Access, sharing, stewardship and control

    Data access, sharing and re-use ('data openness') can generate significant social and economic benefits, including addressing public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, data openness also comes with risks to individuals and organisations – notably risks to privacy and data protection, intellectual property rights, digital and national security. It also raises ethical concerns where data access, sharing and re-use undermine ethical values and norms. This report demonstrates how approaches to data stewardship and control that are more balanced and differentiated can maximise the benefits of data, while protecting individuals’ and organisations’ rights and taking into account other legitimate interests and public policy objectives. It presents the mix of technical, organisational and legal approaches that characterises these more balanced and differentiated approaches, and how governments have implemented them.
  • 13-December-2022


    What skills and abilities can automation technologies replicate and what does it mean for workers? - New evidence

    This paper exploits novel data on the degree of automatability of approximately 100 skills and abilities collected through an original survey of experts in AI, and link them to occupations using information on skill and ability requirements extracted from O*NET. Similar to previous studies, this allows gauging the number of jobs potentially affected by automation and the workers who are most at risk of automation. The focus on the automatability of skills and abilities as opposed to entire occupations permits a direct assessment of the share of highly automatable and bottleneck tasks in each occupation. The study finds that thanks to advances in AI and robotics, several high-level cognitive skills can now be automated. However, high-skilled occupations continue to be less at risk of automation because they also require skills and abilities that remain important bottlenecks to automation. Furthermore, jobs at highest risk of automation will not disappear completely, as only 18 to 27% of skills and abilities required in these occupations are highly automatable. Rather, the organisation of work will change and workers in these jobs will need to retrain, as technologies replace workers for several tasks.
  • 9-décembre-2022


    Perspectives de l'OCDE sur l'éducation numérique 2021 - Repousser les frontières avec l'IA, la blockchain et les robots

    De quelle manière les technologies numériques, et en particulier les technologies intelligentes utilisant l’intelligence artificielle (IA), l'analyse des données de l'apprentissage, la robotique et autres, peuvent-elles transformer l'éducation ? Ce livre explore cette question. Il se concentre sur la manière dont les technologies intelligentes modifient actuellement l'enseignement en classe et la gestion des organisations et systèmes éducatifs. Cette publication plonge au cœur des usages bénéfiques des technologies intelligentes telles que la personnalisation de l’apprentissage, le soutien aux élèves ayant des besoins spécifiques et l’accréditation des diplômes en blockchain. Elle s’intéresse également aux défis et aux domaines de recherche futurs. Les résultats offrent des pistes aux enseignants, aux décideurs publics et aux institutions d’enseignement pour numériser l’éducation tout en optimisant l’équité et l’inclusion.
  • 8-December-2022


    Interagency Coordination in Economic Crime Investigations in Latvia

    Economic and financial crimes are growing in numbers, complexity and reach, making them increasingly difficult to investigate and successfully prosecute. This report details efforts in Latvia to strengthen its criminal justice system against financial and economic crimes. It highlights the range of challenges common to numerous jurisdictions, and describes progress made in Latvia to address these challenges through interagency cooperation mechanisms. Finally, it provides recommendations for areas requiring further attention.
  • 8-décembre-2022


    Bâtir des sociétés meilleures grâce aux politiques du numérique - Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN

    Construire des sociétés plus équitables, connectées, cohésives et durables figure en tête des priorités politiques, mais plusieurs défis se dressent sur la voie de la réalisation de cet objectif. Le rapport se concentre sur trois défis clés auxquels les décideurs sont confrontés dans la quête de sociétés meilleures : combler les fractures numériques, lutter contre les contenus préjudiciables diffusés en ligne et utiliser efficacement les technologies numériques pour lutter contre le changement climatique et d'autres problèmes environnementaux. Ce rapport donne un aperçu des tendances clés dans les pays de l'OCDE et les économies partenaires, et propose des actions politiques qui peuvent aider les décideurs à aborder ces trois défis critiques, ainsi qu'une meilleure mesure. Le rapport s'appuie sur des travaux antérieurs sur le sujet et vise à éclairer le débat et la discussion sur la manière de garantir que les fractures, biais et inégalités d'aujourd'hui ne se perpétueront pas à l'avenir.
  • 8-décembre-2022


    Placer l’humain au cœur de la transformation numérique - Document de référence destiné à la Réunion ministérielle du CPEN

    La transformation numérique touche tous les aspects de notre vie, mettant à notre disposition de nouveaux espaces et de nouveaux outils pour communiquer, travailler, consommer et jouir de nos droits. Elle offre une multitude de possibilités, dans le champ économique et social, mais comporte également des risques nouveaux et complexes. Par conséquent, un environnement numérique émancipateur et sûr qui place l’humain au cœur de la transformation numérique est un objectif d’action crucial à l’ère actuelle. À travers une famille fictive qui se fraie un chemin entre ces opportunités et ces risques, ce document donne à voir comment la transformation numérique nous touche individuellement, que ce soit en tant que citoyens, consommateurs ou travailleurs. Nous y trouverons une présentation générale de l’environnement réglementaire ainsi qu’une description des efforts internationaux, multipartites et nuancés nécessaires pour parvenir à concilier des droits, intérêts et valeurs différents. Comme référence pour la Réunion ministérielle du Comité de la politique de l’économie numérique de 2022, ce document apporte des éléments d’information utiles pour aider les responsables politiques dans la conception et l’accomplissement d’une transformation numérique centrée sur l’humain.
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