

  • 31-January-2015

    English, PDF, 1,337kb

    Poverty in northern Mali

    The independence demands of the MNLA call attention to the limited public investment in northern Mali and the unequal development of the southern and northern portions of the nation. Like Niger or Chad, Mali has invested very little in its north – starting with roads – unlike Maghreb countries – not to mention areas such as education, health, and subsidised foodstuffs and petroleum products.

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  • 4-December-2014

    English, PDF, 1,300kb

    Communications network in northern Mali

    The social networks that comprise the true resource of terrorism are based on a group of towns important for their control over movement rather than the size of their population or the importance of their hinterlands, which in any case do not exist in the Sahara. In this type of configuration, command of specific sites and the distance between sites is more important than controlling areas.

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  • 4-December-2014

    English, PDF, 1,346kb

    Population in northern Mali

    Despite the oversimplified maps of the original areas occupied by the different groups, Mali is a remarkable ethno-linguistic mosaic where some sixty ethnic groups and twenty languages co-exist. The population is comprised of 90% Sub-Saharans and 10% Arab-Berbers, half of whom are Touareg (5% of the total population). The ethnic and linguistic landscape of the north is similarly diverse.

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  • 11-mai-2012


    La situation humanitaire au Mali

    La situation humanitaire au Mali, entretien avec l'Ambassadeur du Mali en France, S. E. Boubacar Sidiki Touré, le 27 avril 2012

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  • 27-avril-2012

    Français, , 1,526kb

    La situation humanitaire au Mali

    La situation humanitaire au Mali, Entretien avec S. E. Boubacar Sidiki Touré, Ambassadeur du Mali en France, le 27 avril 2012 à Paris.

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  • 15-February-2012

    English, , 779kb

    Evaluating the Impacts of Budget Support - Synthesis of Findings from Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

    Synthesis of findings from pilot evaluations of budget support operations in Mali, Tunisia and Zambia.

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  • 10-November-2011

    English, , 1,017kb

    SWAC Forum 2011 - Mali: Biocarburant SA

    Mali: Biocarburant SA: opportunities for sustainable biofuel development in West Africa, by Hugo Verkuijl, SWAC Forum 2011, West Africa and Brazil: addressing renewable energy issues, organised by the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat, 5-6 December 2011, Praia, Cape Verde.  

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  • 5-octobre-2011


    Insécurité sahélienne, printemps arabe et coopération transsaharienne

    Insécurité sahélienne, printemps arabe et coopération transsaharienne, Point de vue de Laurent Bossard, Directeur du Secrétariat du Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CSAO/OCDE), septembre 2011.

    Documents connexes
  • 8-September-2011

    English, , 1,578kb

    Joint Evaluation of Budget Support Operations in Mali - Executive Summary

    Evaluation of the results of budget support operations in Mali 2003-2009. Provides recommendations on the management of future budget support operations in Mali and elsewhere; and tests a new methodological approach to the evaluation of budget support operations.

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  • 3-September-2011

    French, , 1,205kb

    Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de Paris - Phase 2 - Mali

    Depuis la mise en oeuvre de la DdP on peut noter au Mali une évolution positive dans la mise en oeuvre des engagements pris mêmes si certaines difficultés persistent encore.

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