

  • 6-September-2004

    English, , 451kb

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

    Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003

  • 2-August-2002

    English, , 2,946kb

    Contract-Financed Technical Co-operation and Local Ownership, Guatemala Country Study Report

    This evaluation deals with contract-financed technical co-operation (KTS) as a particular aid form in Swedish development co-operation. In Particular the study explores the link between local ownerhip and the various characterstics of KTS projects, such as being demand-driven, limited in time, scope and financial volume, involve a competent local partner and based on a contract between a consultant and a local partner (LPO),

  • 25-November-1998

    Spanish, , 225kb

    Fortalecimiento municipal en Flores, Guatemala

    Spanish cooperation with the Flores municipal area in Guatemala working to modernize the municipal structure and improve the supply of potable water in rural areas.

  • 11-November-1998

    Spanish, , 225kb

    Evaluation of Municipal Strengthening and Environmental Sanitation Programme in Flores, Guatemala

    Dentro de la periodicidad con que la Oficina de Planificación y Evaluación (OPE) de la Secretaría de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamérica (SECIPI) del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ejecuta evaluaciones de las diferentes acciones e instrumentos de la Cooperación Española para el desarrollo, se plantea la realización de una evaluación final de la Primera fase del Programa de fortalecimiento municipal y

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