

  • 29-May-2021


    Country profile: Towards a Green Economy in Belarus

    Since 2019, EU4Environment has been supporting Belarus towards green transformation. Find out highlights of concrete results and achievements in our new released country profile.

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  • 27-May-2021


    EU Green Week: Towards Zero Pollution in the Eastern Partnership countries

    Within the EU Green Week, EU4Environment is organising a virtual event “Towards Zero Pollution in the Eastern Partnership countries”. This regional conference will review progress in addressing environmental challenges in the region, demonstrate the success stories and best practices to decrease pollution, and discuss the ways how to address remaining challenges, including those stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • 24-March-2021


    Sustainable Infrastructure for Low-carbon Development in the EU Eastern Partnership - Hotspot Analysis and Needs Assessment

    This report analyses planned infrastructure projects, decision-making frameworks related to infrastructure development and strategic planning documents in the six countries of the EU Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It compares current investment flows with countries' national development objectives to identify misalignments and provides policy-makers with recommendations to improve the integration of climate change and other environmental concerns into infrastructure development decision-making processes. The report presents a comprehensive overview of infrastructure investment, primarily in the transport and energy sectors, throughout the region and identifies the risks and opportunities emerging from current investment patterns.
  • 17-February-2021


    COVID-19 and greening the economies of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

    This policy paper analyses measures related to COVID-19 in 11 EECCA countries based on their potential to advance the transition to a greener, climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. Recommendations suggest ways to ensure that governments align efforts to support economic recovery with their objectives on climate change, biodiversity and wider environmental protection.

  • 17-February-2021


    COVID-19 and greening the economies of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

    As in many countries, the economies of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) have been negatively affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Their governments responded by addressing the health impacts and providing relief to affected businesses and workers. Many EECCA countries have also implemented measures that will help advance environmental objectives as part of their rescue and recovery plans. Nevertheless, much more needs to be done to ensure that recovery plans accelerate a green transition, thereby building resilience against external shocks. This policy paper analyses measures related to COVID-19 in 11 EECCA countries based on their potential to advance the transition to a greener, climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. Recommendations suggest ways to ensure that governments align efforts to support economic recovery with their objectives on climate change, biodiversity and wider environmental protection.
  • 4-February-2021


    Webinar: Designing and implementing green public investment programmes - Experience from Poland and the Czech Republic

    A webinar on “Designing and implementing green public investment programmes: Experience from Poland and the Czech Republic” with the objective to facilitate knowledge transfer and experience-sharing between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries with regard to greening public expenditure.

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  • 3-February-2021


    EU4Environment Programme

    The EU-funded “EU4Environment” Programme, launched in 2019, helps six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being. It supports environment-related actions, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.

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  • 18-December-2020


    Towards Water Security in Belarus - A Synthesis Report

    This report presents the results of collaboration on improving water security in Belarus, between the beneficiary country, the OECD and its partners implementing the EU-funded European Union Water Initiative Plus project. It provides an overview of the composition and distribution of the country’s water resources, including the particular challenges facing different regions (oblasts), and lays out the policy responses that Belarus has taken and planned to progress its overarching policy objective of ensuring water security within the framework of the future national Water Strategy in the Context of Climate Change for the Period until 2030. The report also provides an assessment of potential opportunities to boost water security in Belarus by supporting the country’s ongoing water policy reform agenda.
  • 25-November-2020


    Regional seminar on risk-based approaches to environmental compliance assurance

    This seminar facilitated the sharing of experiences and good practices from OECD and the Eastern Partnership economies in adopting risk-based approaches to environmental compliance assurance, exploring commonly encountered challenges and methods to support voluntary compliance.

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  • 17-novembre-2020


    Le financement des PME et des entrepreneurs. Tableau de bord de l’OCDE - Édition spéciale : les conséquences du COVID-19

    Ce rapport est une édition spéciale du Tableau de bord de l’OCDE sur le financement des PME et des entrepreneurs, publication phare de l’OCDE. Il examine en détail les conséquences du COVID-19 sur l’accès des PME au financement, ainsi que les mesures prises en conséquence par les pouvoirs publics. Il apparaît qu’avant la crise, les conditions de financement étaient globalement favorables pour les PME et les entrepreneurs, qui bénéficiaient de faibles taux d’intérêt, de critères accommodants d’octroi des crédits et d’une offre de plus en plus diversifiée d’instruments de financement. Mais la crise du COVID‑19 a profondément bouleversé l’accès des PME au financement. Plus particulièrement, l’effondrement brutal du chiffre d’affaires des entreprises a provoqué de graves pénuries de liquidités qui ont mis en danger la survie de bon nombre d’entreprises viables. Ce rapport fait état d’une augmentation de la demande de prêts bancaires au cours du premier semestre de 2020, et d’une stabilité de l’offre de crédit grâce à l’action des pouvoirs publics. Parallèlement, on a observé un recul d’autres sources de financement, en particulier l’apport de fonds propres au stade du démarrage. Le rapport réunit des données sur le périmètre et l’ampleur des mesures prises par les gouvernements dans le monde, et en précise les principales caractéristiques. Il décrit les principaux enjeux stratégiques du financement des PME qui se poseront au cours des prochaines phases de la pandémie ; il s’agira en effet d’éviter le surendettement des PME, de promouvoir une gamme diversifiée d’instruments de financement, de stimuler la création d’entreprises et de renforcer la résilience des PME par des mesures structurelles.
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