

  • 26-January-2023


    International investment in Southeast Asia

    ASEAN-OECD Investment Programme fosters dialogue and experience sharing between OECD members and ASEAN member states to enhance the investment climate in the region.

    Related Documents
  • 26-January-2023


    Safeguarding State-Owned Enterprises from Undue Influence - Implementing the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises

    State-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain vulnerable to being used as conduits for political finance, patronage, and personal or related-party enrichment. Lingering weaknesses in corporate governance and ownership arrangements can expose SOEs to such exploitation and undermine SOE efforts to uphold integrity. This report highlights these weaknesses and provides state owners with a better understanding of which activities are effective in insulating SOEs from undue influence. It also takes stock of how OECD member and participating countries are implementing relevant provisions of the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in SOEs, serving as the first report on the implementation of the Guidelines since their adoption in 2019.
  • 20-January-2023


    Sustainability Policies and Practices for Corporate Governance in Latin America

    This report serves to support the development of Latin America’s legal and regulatory frameworks for sustainability disclosure, the responsibilities of company boards and shareholder rights. The report presents the results of two OECD surveys on sustainability practices of listed companies and asset managers in the region. It also draws upon an OECD dataset on the current trends and features of corporate sustainability at the global level.
  • 26-octobre-2022


    Traverser la crise du COVID-19 et préparer l’avenir - La reprise dans la région MENA

    Traverser la crise du COVID-19 et préparer l’avenir : La reprise dans la région MENA considère les impacts de la crise du COVID-19 sur les pays de la région MENA ainsi que les changements potentiels qu'elle peut apporter à leurs programmes de réforme. Le rapport aborde non seulement les effets actuels de la crise, mais également ses conséquences à long terme, tout en identifiant les tendances émergentes. L'analyse a été achevée peu avant le début de la guerre en Ukraine, alors que les signes d’une reprise chancelante étaient déjà observés dans l'ensemble de l'économie mondiale. Depuis lors, les perspectives de croissance mondiale ont encore été affectées par le conflit en Ukraine. Pour autant, les recommandations politiques visant à renforcer la résilience à long terme des pays de la région MENA n'ont pas changé. Au contraire, elles sont d'autant plus pertinentes que la plupart des défis à venir proviennent de facteurs structurels, sachant toutefois que la mise en place de stratégies réalistes dépend des marges de manœuvres budgétaires.
  • 15-October-2022


    OECD Review of the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Viet Nam

    The Government of Viet Nam has made progress in recent years to improve its frameworks for the ownership and corporate governance of its state-owned enterprises (SOEs). This review assesses the corporate governance framework of the Viet Nam state-owned sector relative to the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-owned Enterprises (SOE Guidelines). It then puts forward recommendations to help the Vietnamese authorities address remaining challenges and further professionalise the state ownership function.
  • 14-October-2022


    The Swedish Corporate Bond Market and Bondholder Rights

    This report provides a detailed account of the Swedish corporate bond market. Based on original data, it offers an overview of how the market has developed in the past two decades with respect to, among other things, size, issuer characteristics, risk profile and liquidity. In particular, it documents how the market has changed since the 2008 financial crisis and explores the increasingly important role of real estate companies in the local bond market. It also offers a comparison of the Swedish market with selected peer countries (European and non-European), both in terms of market structure and relevant regulation.
  • 3-October-2022


    OECD Guidance on Transition Finance - Ensuring Credibility of Corporate Climate Transition Plans

    This guidance sets out elements of credible corporate climate transition plans, which aim to align with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Such plans are needed to address the growing risk of greenwashing in transition finance and facilitate a global, whole-of-economy climate transition. Based on extensive stakeholder consultations, including an industry survey, the guidance provides market actors, policy makers, and regulators with a comprehensive overview of existing transition finance approaches, identifying the main challenges and solutions. The guidance is relevant to: (i) policy-makers and regulators seeking to develop or revise relevant policy frameworks or regulations; (ii) corporates developing transition plans and seeking to identify the most salient elements of existing initiatives; and (iii) financial market participants planning to provide finance for the implementation of net-zero strategies. The guidance emphasises greater transparency, comparability and granularity in corporate transition plans, and the need for adequate environmental and social safeguards. In light of challenges for some corporates, especially in emerging markets and developing economies, and the risk of excluding key actors from transition finance, the guidance highlights the need for policy-makers to take stronger action to bolster domestic enabling environments for transformative investments.
  • 20-September-2022


    Anti-Corruption and Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises

    20 September 2022 - After the first SOE Anti-corruption day in 2019, the OECD is holding the second SOE Anti-Corruption Day on September 20. This is a global, virtual event co-hosted with the Government of South Africa’s Department of Public Enterprises bringing together OECD and non-OECD country representatives, SOEs and private firms, business associations, academia and civil society.

    Related Documents
  • 20-September-2022


    Enhancing gender diversity on boards and in senior management of listed companies

    As part of a global effort to address existing barriers to gender equality in leadership and employment, countries around the world are taking steps to enhance gender diversity on boards, which can also have positive effects on board dynamics and governance. This paper takes stock of progress and existing policies and practices to enhance gender diversity on boards and in senior management of listed companies. Covering 50 jurisdictions, it focuses on the implications of quotas and targets as the main instruments used to foster gender diversity on boards, and considers the importance of complementary initiatives to strengthen the pipeline for leadership positions.
  • 20-September-2022


    Enhancing gender diversity on boards and in senior management of listed companies

    As part of a global effort to address existing barriers to gender equality in leadership and employment, countries around the world are taking steps to enhance gender diversity on boards, which can also have positive effects on board dynamics and governance. This paper takes stock of progress and existing policies and practices to enhance gender diversity on boards and in senior management of listed companies. Covering 50 jurisdictions, it focuses on the implications of quotas and targets as the main instruments used to foster gender diversity on boards, and considers the importance of complementary initiatives to strengthen the pipeline for leadership positions.
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