
Working Papers

  • 3-August-2015


    Biodiversity Policy Response Indicators: Environment Working Paper

    This paper reviews a number of OECD data sources to examine their potential for establishing indicators which can contribute to monitoring progress towards two of the 2011-2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), namely Target 3 on Incentives and Target 20 on Resource Mobilisation.

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  • 29-June-2015


    Measuring environmental innovation using patent data - Environment Working Paper

    This paper refines indicators to measure innovation in environment-related technologies, drawing on recent methodological advances that allow a more accurate assessment of environment-related innovation in a broader range of countries. Three indicators are discussed: an indicator of technology development; an indicator of international collaboration in technology development and an indicator of technology diffusion.

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  • 22-June-2015


    Competitiveness Impacts of the German Electricity Tax - Environment Working Paper

    Proposals to increase environmentally related taxes are often challenged on competitiveness grounds. The concern is that value creation in certain sectors might decline domestically if a country introduces environmentally related taxes unilaterally. This paper provides evidence on the short-term competitiveness impacts of the German electricity tax introduced unilaterally in 1999.

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  • 29-mai-2015


    Exploiter au mieux les ressources naturelles en Indonésie

    En Indonésie, les pressions exercées sur l’environnement par l’exploitation des ressources naturelles devraient être allégées par une augmentation de la part du gaz et des énergies renouvelables dans le bouquet énergétique, par une définition adéquate des droits de propriété et des réglementations relatives aux terrains boisés et par la mise en place d’un prix implicite du carbone positif.

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  • 29-mai-2015


    Axer davantage les politiques fiscales en Colombie sur l’efficacité, l’équité et l’écologie

    La Colombie doit réformer l’ensemble de sa fiscalité, afin d’augmenter les recettes et de déplacer la charge fiscale pour favoriser une croissance plus inclusive et plus verte. Les nombreuses niches fiscales et exonérations qui réduisent la base imposable et avantagent essentiellement les plus riches devraient être limitées de manière significative.

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  • 27-mai-2015


    Quels sont les obstacles à l’investissement des ménages dans la rénovation énergétique et les énergies renouvelables?

    Le présent document passe en revue différents arguments présentés dans les travaux publiés pour expliquer le sous-investissement constaté dans l’efficacité énergétique. Il présente aussi de nouveaux éléments sur les obstacles à l’investissement dans ce domaine, provenant de l’enquête de l'OCDE sur la politique de l’environnement et le comportement individuel.

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  • 12-May-2015


    OECD Environment Working Paper: Competitiveness Impacts of the German Electricity Tax

    Proposals to increase environmentally related taxes are often challenged on competitiveness grounds. The concern is that value creation in certain sectors might decline domestically if a country introduces environmentally related taxes unilaterally. This paper provides evidence on the short-term competitiveness impacts of the German electricity tax introduced unilaterally in 1999.

  • 16-April-2015


    Tender Instruments: Programme Participation and Impact in Australian Conservation Tenders, Grants and Volunteer Organisations - Environment Working Paper

    A striking variety of policy instruments are used in Victoria, Australia to achieve conservation objectives. These include highly active voluntary programmes, a variety of conservation grants, and a reverse auction for the provision of ecosystem services, known as EcoTender. An open question regarding such payments for ecosystem services (i.e. grants and tenders) is whether they achieve ‘additionality.’

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  • 14-April-2015


    Sustainable Consumption Dilemmas - Environment Working Paper

    Consumers only occasionally choose to buy sustainable products. At the same time these consumers say in surveys that sustainability is important to them, and that the government should promote sustainable consumption. This study takes a closer look at public support for sustainable consumption and the associated dilemmas, with the help of a behavioural economics experiment of group decisions.

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