

  • 5-November-2018


    Op-Ed on Mobilising investment for low-emissions and resilient infrastructure by Masamichi Kono, OECD Deputy Secretary-General

    This summer, we witnessed record-breaking heat and extreme weather events across the globe. To address the urgent climate challenge, and meet our broader development goals, trillions of dollars need to be invested in low-emissions and resilient infrastructure.

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  • 20-July-2018


    Insights blog: Steering urban sprawl

    Cities with highest average population densities in the world are facing the challenge of urban sprawl. Finding sustainable solutions to reduce sprawl demands rethinking urban space and weighing the private benefits of low density living–my house and garden–against social, environmental and infrastructure costs.

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  • 26-February-2018


    Insights blog: Building Biodiversity-Friendly Economies

    We are losing diversity of life on Earth at an alarming rate – one tenth of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity and one third of freshwater biodiversity has been wiped out since 1970. And we’re on course to lose another 10% of terrestrial species by 2050.

  • 22-January-2018


    Insights blog: Green budgeting can spur governments to improve our planet’s bottom line

    “We are launching the “Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting” within the framework of our zero-emission objective,” French president Emmanuel Macron said at the global climate financing summit. The OECD has brought together a cross-disciplinary group of environmental, tax, budget and fiscal affairs experts who will partner with countries to help them assess and improve their budgets and fiscal policies for climate resilience.

  • 16-January-2018


    Insights blog: Rice and risks in the Mekong River Delta

    The wet and verdant expanse of the Mekong Delta’s rivers and farms is a veritable rice bowl for the world. Not only do the region’s paddies produce half of Viet Nam’s rice crop yearly, the country is the world’s third largest rice exporter, with 17% of world exports of paddy rice. Our analysis identifies Viet Nam as facing the world’s fourth highest water risks for rice production.

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  • 15-December-2017


    Report: Greening OECD 2017

    The OECD is committed to limiting the environmental impact of its work in a manner consistent with the wider goals of green growth and sustainable development. Join us in this journey around and inside the main buildings at the OECD HQ in Paris and learn about the performance of OECD's environmental management system. See how the OECD aims to #PracticeWhatYouPreach.

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  • 13-December-2017


    OECD Observer articles focusing on the challenges and opportunities for climate action

    On the occasion of the One Planet Summit, read our latest OECD Observer articles focusing on the challenges and opportunities for climate action, particularly in the area of green finance and investment.

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  • 6-December-2017


    Observer article: Blending finance for climate and poverty action

    Ending poverty and combating climate change: two years after the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, these inter-related challenges remain as daunting as ever, not least in developing countries.

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  • 1-December-2017


    Observer article: Under the sea

    With marine biodiversity deteriorating at an alarming rate, there will soon be little left of the “octopus’s garden” that The Beatles once sang about. According to "Marine Protected Areas: Economics, Management and Effective Policy Mixes", pollution, overfishing and rising temperatures have damaged or destroyed 60% of the earth’s marine ecosystems.

  • 23-November-2017


    Bridging the green investment gap in Latin America: what role for national development finance institutions? Blog by OECD Development Matters

    The developing world urgently needs more and better infrastructure. Affordable and accessible water supply systems, electricity grids, power plants and transport networks are critical to reducing poverty and ensuring economic growth.

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