
Latest Documents

  • 18-February-2015


    Invention and International Diffusion of Water Conservation and Availability Technologies: Evidence from Patent Data - Environment Working Paper

    This paper identifies over 50 000 patents filed worldwide in water-related adaptation technologies between 1990 and 2010, distinguishing between those related to water availability and water conservation technologies. It also analyses the innovation activity, including inventive activity by country and technology, international collaboration in technology development, and international diffusion of such water-related technologies.

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  • 10-February-2015


    If the tortoise can do it, anyone can: greening household behaviour - Insights Blog

    Please join me in an ode to the giant tortoise, recently confirmed to be back from near extinction on the Galapagos Espanola Island after conservation work that began forty years ago. Whoever thought this waddly wild wonk would be a model for humans to improve environment through adept household behaviour?

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  • 17-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour: A Review for Policy Makers - Environment Policy Paper No. 3

    Personal behaviour and choices in daily life, from what we eat to how we get to work or heat our homes, have a significant – and growing – effect on the environment. But why are some households greener than others? And what factors motivate green household choices? Answering these questions is vital for helping governments design and target policies that promote "greener" behaviour.

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  • 11-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour and Transport - Environment Working Paper No. 77

    This report focuses on personal transport choices. It presents the results of follow-up analysis of the 2011 OECD Survey on Environmental Policy and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC) survey where econometric techniques are applied.

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  • 10-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour and Water - Environment Working Paper No. 73

    This report focuses on households’ behaviour in relation to water use. It presents the results of follow-up analysis of the 2011 OECD Survey on Environmental Policy and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC) where econometric techniques are applied. The analysis shows that households whose bill depends on actual water use are unambiguously more likely to exhibit pro-environmental behaviours in terms of water use.

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  • 10-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour and Waste - Environment Working Paper No. 76

    This report focusses on the determinants of household waste generation, the separation of recyclables and waste prevention behaviours. It presents the econometric results of follow-up analysis of the 2011 OECD Survey on Environmental Policy and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC).

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  • 10-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour and Food - Environment Working Paper No. 75

    This report focuses on households’ behaviour in relation to food consumption. It presents the results of follow-up econometric analysis of the 2011 OECD Survey on Environmental Policy and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC). It studies expenditure and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for organic food and food labelled as taking animal welfare into account.

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  • 10-December-2014


    Greening Household Behaviour: Cross-domain Comparisons in Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours Using Spacial Effects - Environment Working Paper No. 68

    Discussions of the importance of public attitudes in shaping policy often lack clear evidence on causal relations between stated attitudes and observed behaviours. Using econometric analysis, this paper investigate the relationship between stated environmental attitudes and indicators of civic engagement, such as voting in local elections, charity membership and membership in environmental organisations.

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  • 5-June-2013


    World Environment Day: Greening household behaviour

    Saving the environment falls into that category for many people, but the good news for the planet is that the OECD has identified a group of people who “believe that sacrifices will be necessary to solve environmental problems”.

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  • 16-mai-2013


    Efficacité des politiques et des stratégies destinées à améliorer le coefficient d’utilisation des centrales renouvelables intermittentes - Document de travail sur l'environnement No. 57

    Les énergies renouvelables intermittentes telles que l’éolien et le solaire doivent occuper une place de plus importante dans le parc électrique pour que les objectifs qui les concernent soient atteints. Ce rapport apporte des éléments sur l’efficacité de diverses stratégies et mesures destinées à améliorer le coefficient d’utilisation des centrales exploitant l’énergie éolienne ou d’autres énergies renouvelables intermittentes.

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