
Latest Documents

  • 27-June-2023


    OECD work on in vitro assays for developmental neurotoxicity

    Initial Recommendations on Evaluation of Data from the Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) In-Vitro Testing Battery | This document includes the lessons learned from the application of this technology in the field of pharmaceuticals and considers a range of issues directly relevant to human exposure arising from the application of externally-applied dsRNA-based pesticides, and discusses possible effects of dsRNA exposure in mammals.

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  • 11-October-2022


    OECD Good Laboratory Practice: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

    GLP issues raised by testing labs are covered in this comprehensive list of questions and answers, recently updated with questions related to: Test Facility organisation and personnel, Quality Assurance, Equipment and computerized systems, Test items, reference items and samples/specimens (Biologicals, GMOs, etc.), SOPs, Management of the study, Histopathology, Archives and E-Archives and Monitoring Test Facility compliance by GLP CMAs.

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  • 17-juin-2021


    Essai n° 439 : Irritation cutanée in vitro: essai sur épiderme humain reconstitué

    Cette Ligne directrice décrit une procédure in vitro qui peut être utilisée pour identifier les dangers présentés par les produits chimiques irritants (substances et mélanges) conformément à la Catégorie 2 du Système général harmonisé de classification et d’étiquetage (SGH) de l’ONU. Elle s’appuie sur un épiderme humain reconstitué, qui dans sa conception globale, reproduit les propriétés biochimiques et physiologiques de la partie supérieure de la peau humaine. La viabilité cellulaire est mesurée par la conversion enzymatique du colorant vital MTT en un sel de formazan bleu, qui est mesuré quantitativement après extraction des tissus. Les produits chimiques testés irritants sont identifiés par leur capacité à réduire la viabilité cellulaire au-dessous d’un seuil défini (inférieur ou égal à 50% pour la Catégorie 2 du SGH de l’ONU). Cette Ligne directrice comprend aussi des normes de performance pour l’évaluation de méthodes d’essai similaires ou modifiées sur épiderme humain reconstitué. Quatre méthodes d’essai validées sont conformes à cette Ligne directrice. En fonction du cadre législatif et du système de classification utilisé, cette procédure peut être utilisée pour déterminer l’irritation cutanée de produits chimiques testés, en tant qu’essai de substitution d’essai d’irritation cutanée in vivo, ou en tant qu’essai de substitution partiel, dans le cadre d’une stratégie d’essai à plusieurs niveaux. Les produits chimiques colorés et ceux qui interfèrent avec le MTT peuvent également être testés par procédure HPLC.
  • 2-March-2021


    Substitution of hazardous chemicals

    As the demand for safer chemicals grows, the field of alternatives assessment is becoming increasingly important in guiding the transition towards safer, less toxic alternatives. A major limitation that can hinder efforts is the lack of consistent criteria for defining “safer" alternatives. This guidance outlines key considerations for the identification and selection of safer alternatives.

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  • 12-November-2020


    OECD Work Related to Endocrine Disrupters

    The OECD has published the Revised Guidance Document 150 on Standardised Test Guidelines for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption originally published in 2012 and updated in 2018 to reflect new and updated OECD test guidelines, as well as reflect on scientific advances in the use of test methods and assessment of the endocrine activity of chemicals.

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  • 2-March-2020


    Section 3 Software: Environmental Fate and Behaviour (Softwares for TG 305 and TG 318)

    Software to be used for Test Guidelines 305 and 318

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  • 10-January-2020


    Series on Testing and Assessment / Adopted Guidance and Review Documents

    These are the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals: Testing and Assessment Series Monographs.

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  • 28-January-2019


    Saving Costs in Chemicals Management - How the OECD Ensures Benefits to Society

    The chemical industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and is expected to grow fourfold by 2060. Indeed modern life without chemicals would be inconceivable. Given the potential environmental and human health risks from exposure to chemicals, governments and industry have a major responsibility to ensure that chemicals are produced and used safely. The OECD assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments that protect human health and the environment, and in making their systems for managing chemicals as efficient as possible. To eliminate duplication of work and avoid non-tariff barriers to trade, emphasis has been on developing shared frameworks for gathering and assessing information on potential chemical risks. The time-tested OECD Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) system provides a major basis for generating savings to governments and industry. This report provides an overview of the benefits and estimates the total savings from OECD work to be more than EUR 309 million per year.
  • 4-September-2018


    Revised Guidance Document 150 on Standardised Test Guidelines for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption

    This guidance document was originally published in 2012 and updated in 2018 to reflect new and updated OECD test guidelines, as well as reflect on scientific advances in the use of test methods and assessment of the endocrine activity of chemicals. The document is intended to provide guidance for evaluating chemical using standardised test guidelines.

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  • 4-September-2018


    Guidance Document on Good In Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP)

    GIVIMP aims to reduce the uncertainties in cell and tissue-based in vitro method derived predictions by applying good scientific, technical and quality practices from method development to implementation for regulatory use. Test method developers and test guideline users will find best practices for designing guideline in vitro methods, carrying out safety tests and assuring quality and scientific integrity of the resulting data

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