
Latest Documents

  • 14-May-2024


    Green Talks LIVE - Diving deeper: the evolving landscape for assessing water risks to the financial system

    These free webinars are open to the general public and participants are welcome to pose questions during the Q&A segment. Topics covers air pollution, biodiversity, chemicals, climate change, carbon pricing, finance and investment, waste, water and more. Watch the webinar replay: Diving deeper: the evolving landscape for assessing water risks to the financial system.

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  • 2-March-2018


    Working Paper: Leveraging the Smart Grid: The Effect of Real-Time Information on Consumer Decisions

    This report reviews the literature on the impact of real-time information provision on consumer decision-making. In addition, it describes the results of a study in which about 7000 households in Ontario, Canada were provided with in-home displays linked to smart meters that provided real-time feedback on electricity consumption.

  • 14-décembre-2017


    Traiter les problèmes environnementaux avec l'aide des sciences comportementales

    Les enseignements des sciences comportementales peuvent aider les décideurs à mieux comprendre les mécanismes comportementaux qui concourent aux problèmes d’environnement et leur permettre d’élaborer et de mettre en œuvre des réponses plus efficaces. Ce rapport passe en revue les applications récentes des enseignements des sciences comportementales qui visent à orienter les individus et les entreprises vers des décisions de consommation, d’investissement et de mise en conformité plus durables. En s’appuyant sur les interventions mises en place par les ministères et organismes chargés des questions d’environnement et d’énergie et sur le travail des équipes intergouvernementales d’étude des enseignements des sciences comportementales, le rapport décrit comment les sciences comportementales ont été intégrées dans les processus d’élaboration des politiques. Différents domaines d’action sont abordés : consommation d’énergie, d’eau et de produits alimentaires, choix du mode de transport et du véhicule, gestion des déchets et efficacité d’utilisation des ressources, respect de la réglementation environnementale et participation à des programmes volontaires. Le rapport met en lumière ce qui a marché – ou pas – dans les pratiques mises en œuvre dans les pays de l’OCDE et ailleurs.
  • 14-April-2016


    Environmental Policy Design, Innovation And Efficiency Gains In Electricity Generation - Environment Working Paper

    This paper explores the relationship between environmental regulation, innovation, and competitiveness, drawing upon a unique dataset on environmental regulations directed at combustion plants, a global dataset of power plants, and a global dataset of ‘environmental’ patents. The analysis is conducted in two stages.

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  • 12-April-2016


    Firm Surveys relating Environmental Policies, Environmental Performance and Innovation: Design Challenges and insights from Empirical Application - Environment Working Paper

    This report provides a review of recent firm-level and plant-level surveys containing questions on environmental policies, innovation practices or performance which are relevant for environmental policy analysis and assessment. We specifically focus on the core element that relates environmental policies to environmental and economic performance, namely the adoption of innovative practices and environmental innovations by firms.

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  • 20-novembre-2015


    "L'empreinte écologique" laisse une trace à l'OCDE - Blog

    Ce projet est unique parce qu'il explore comment les politiques de l'environnement au niveau national ont un impact sur le comportement des ménages. Les thèmes incluent l'utilisation de l'énergie, la consommation alimentaire, les choix de transport personnels, la production de déchets et le recyclage, et la consommation d'eau. Pourtant, le projet ne traite pas spécifiquement du terme «empreinte écologique».

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  • 29-June-2015


    Measuring environmental innovation using patent data - Environment Working Paper

    This paper refines indicators to measure innovation in environment-related technologies, drawing on recent methodological advances that allow a more accurate assessment of environment-related innovation in a broader range of countries. Three indicators are discussed: an indicator of technology development; an indicator of international collaboration in technology development and an indicator of technology diffusion.

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  • 16-April-2015


    Tender Instruments: Programme Participation and Impact in Australian Conservation Tenders, Grants and Volunteer Organisations - Environment Working Paper

    A striking variety of policy instruments are used in Victoria, Australia to achieve conservation objectives. These include highly active voluntary programmes, a variety of conservation grants, and a reverse auction for the provision of ecosystem services, known as EcoTender. An open question regarding such payments for ecosystem services (i.e. grants and tenders) is whether they achieve ‘additionality.’

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  • 14-April-2015


    Sustainable Consumption Dilemmas - Environment Working Paper

    Consumers only occasionally choose to buy sustainable products. At the same time these consumers say in surveys that sustainability is important to them, and that the government should promote sustainable consumption. This study takes a closer look at public support for sustainable consumption and the associated dilemmas, with the help of a behavioural economics experiment of group decisions.

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  • 24-February-2015


    Seeing paradigm change - Insights Blog

    Our world and its problems should have been watched for long enough. Inequality, debt, financial instability, corruption, conflict, ecosystem damage, waste and poverty have been seen through history.

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