

  • 13-November-2014


    Why reform is the right option

    “Life is full of alternatives but no choice.” G20 leaders at the summit in Brisbane, Australia, in November should reflect on these words by Australian writer Patrick White, a Nobel Laureate, as they prepare their economic strategies for the years to come.

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  • 19-November-2012


    The euro: A message of solidarity

    by Charles Jenkins, Writer, Commentator and former Director of Western Europe Country Analysis, Economist Intelligence Unit, London. The EU’s crisis has as much to do with leadership and solidarity as resolving fiscal and debt problems. It is time to dispense with caricatures and write the next chapter in the EU’s ongoing history. And for that, clear and transparent data will be needed.

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  • 29-May-2012


    How Turkey was able to differentiate itself

    “Having left the most difficult years of the global crisis behind, […] Turkey is one of the countries which has managed to put its economy back on the path to strong growth in a short period of time.” Ali Babacan, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs of Turkey, and Chairman of the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting 2012 explains.

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  • 28-February-2011


    Budget treatment

    The growing burden of healthcare expenditure on public budgets is hardly a recent phenomenon. For 15 years before the onset of the financial crisis, health spending per capita had been going up by over 4% per year in real terms across the OECD area-much faster than growth in real incomes. Nearly all OECD countries will soon have nearuniversal healthcare coverage-an historic achievement. But health now accounts for over 9% of GDP on

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  • 15-février-2011


    Une nouvelle ère de coopération mondiale

    Le G20 a aidé le monde à traverser la tempête économique. Il doit désormais se montrer capable de mettre en œuvre une nouvelle gouvernance dans le monde d’après la crise. Dans cette tâche, notre Organisation est prête à aider, déclare Gabriela Ramos, sherpa de l’OCDE au G20.

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  • 12-décembre-2010


    Favoriser l'écosystème d'innovation

    Vers quelles nouvelles sources de croissance se tourner en 2011 et au-delà ? Entretien avec Charles Beigbeder, fondateur de Poweo et de nombreuses sociétés innovantes.

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