
Économie du Chili en un coup d’œil

2 Mai 2024

Perspectives Économiques - Chili

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Réformes Économiques 2023: Objectif Croissance

@ r.classen/


Étude économique du Chili - septembre 2022

L'économie chilienne s'est rapidement remise de la pandémie grâce à un soutien politique exceptionnellement fort de la part des politiques économiques, qui a finalement conduit à une importante surchauffe de l'économie. L'inflation a augmenté dans un contexte de forte consommation privée, aggravée par l’agression russe contre l’Ukraine. Les autorités monétaires ont agi rapidement pour contenir l'inflation, et les mesures de relance budgétaire sont en train d'être retirées. Pour l'avenir, les principaux défis à relever pour stimuler la productivité et l'investissement sont le renforcement de la concurrence, la réduction des obstacles réglementaires et l'augmentation des dépenses en matière de recherche et d'innovation, tandis que les besoins sociaux pressants exigent une plus grande attention à la manière dont les revenus et les opportunités sont répartis. Environ un tiers de la population active travaille dans le secteur informel, ce qui limite son accès aux prestations de protection sociale. Il sera essentiel de garantir un ensemble bien défini de prestations pour tous, sans distinction entre travailleurs formels et informels. L'élargissement de l'accès à une éducation préscolaire de qualité améliorerait les résultats scolaires et permettrait à davantage de femmes de travailler. Les défis et les risques environnementaux sont importants, mais ils offrent également des opportunités significatives pour l'avenir. Le contenu fossile actuellement élevé de la matrice énergétique contraste avec le fort potentiel du Chili en matière de production d'énergie renouvelable.

Executive summary


Summary video

2021 Structural Reform Priorities

  • Education and skills: Improve quality and equity of the education system
  • Labour market: Enhance lifelong learning and active labour market policies, while boosting female labour participation
  • Social protection: Make the tax and transfer system more friendly to redistribution
  • R&D and digitalisation: Boost the digital transformation
  • Competition and regulation: Enhance competition and ease regulatory procedures


>> Going for Growth homepage

Enhancing economic performance and well-being in Chile (March 2021)

Strengthening competitiveness, productivity and well-being is a key priority for the Government of Chile. To support this effort, the OECD provided Chile with policy advice on how to enhance the economic performance and well-being in four strategic sectors of the Chilean economy: pharmaceuticals, food, ports and telecommunications.
The four reports examine the main challenges of each sector in an intersectoral manner and provide targeted recommendations with concrete policy actions for implementation in the short, medium and long term. In particular, topics include the affordability and accessibility of Chile’s pharmaceutical market; efforts towards healthier and more efficient food markets; ports’ labour conditions and competitiveness and policies for a more dynamic telecommunication sector. Through its analysis of the main challenges in the Chilean health and network sectors, the project thus contributes to the development of a set of co-ordinated structural reforms for improving the country’s economy and peoples’ lives. 
The policy actions were developed by a multidisciplinary OECD team with experts from the Economics Department, the Trade and Agriculture Directorate, the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate, the Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate, the Public Governance Directorate, the Financial and Enterprise Affairs Directorate, and the International Transport Forum.

Assessing Chile’s analytical framework for long-term fiscal sustainability (October 2020)

Independent fiscal institutions are key in supporting well-designed fiscal frameworks that ensure long-term sustainability of public finances and adequate fiscal space to meet country needs. The Autonomous Fiscal Council (Consejo Fiscal Autónomo, CFA) is Chile’s independent fiscal institution tasked with contributing to the responsible management of the central government’s fiscal policy. While still relatively young as it started operating in June 2019, the CFA has already established itself as a respected institution relying on a wide range of analytical tools. In the current context, marked by a sharp increase of public debt, it is key to ensure that the models and tools used by the CFA remains “fit-for-purpose” and aligned with international best practices and standards. This report presents advice on how the CFA can further strengthen its models and tools. The report is the result of the work of an interdisciplinary OECD team bringing together expertise on country analysis, macroeconomic analysis and policy advice from across the Economics Department.

Perspectives économiques (juin 2023)