
By Date

  • 2-May-2017


    Does everybody enjoy Pura Vida? Decomposing income inequality in Costa Rica

    Despite strong economic growth, Costa Rica’s income inequality has increased in the past decade, in stark contrast with other Latin American countries.

  • 20-April-2017


    OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Costa Rica 2017

    Costa Rica’s successful economic performance and social achievements realised over the last three decades are widely acknowledged. GDP per capita has steadily increased at higher rates than in most Latin American countries as the economy has evolved along its development path from a rural and agriculture-based to a more diversified economy integrated in global value chains. But Costa Rica faces challenges and must enhance and broaden the basis for productivity growth by strengthening its innovation system and enhancing the role of science, technology and innovation in addressing its national development goals.
  • 3-April-2017


    Agricultural Policies in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica’s strong agricultural sector is underpinned by the country’s political stability, robust economic growth and high levels of human development.  The sector has achieved significant export success, yet raising productivity and staying competitive in world markets will require efforts to address bottlenecks in infrastructure, innovation and access to financial services.  Maximising Costa Rica’s comparative advantage in higher-value niche products will depend upon more efficient services to agriculture, including better implementation of programmes, improved co-ordination among institutions, and reduced bureaucracy. While overall protection for agriculture is relatively low compared to OECD countries, it is nonetheless highly distorting to production and trade. Managing the transition to scheduled liberalisation presents an opportunity to reform costly policies, and to implement an alternative policy package with new investments in innovation, productivity and diversification, supported by transition assistance where needed. Costa Rican agriculture’s vulnerability to extreme weather events is expected to worsen with climate change, and even while the country is among global leaders in environmental protection, sustainable development and climate change mitigation, further adaptation efforts will be necessary.
  • 7-mars-2017


    Déconstruction de l'inégalité des revenus au Costa Rica: approche de la décomposition des sources de revenus

    Malgré une amélioration généralisée de la performance macroéconomique au Costa Rica, l'inégalité des revenus d’activité a augmenté et se situe actuellement à sa valeur maximale historique.

  • 16-December-2016


    Open Government in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica is one of the first countries to involve the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the state in the design and implementation of its national open government agenda. The OECD Open Government Review of Costa Rica supports the country in its efforts to build a more transparent, participatory, and accountable government as an essential element of its democracy. This review provides an overview of the current national institutions, legal framework, policies and initiatives that underpin the implementation of open government principles, with a focus on policy co-ordination, citizen participation, and open government policies at the local level. It includes a detailed and actionable set of recommendations to help the country achieve its goal of creating an open state.
  • 12-October-2016


    Mind the gaps: boost early childcare education and care in Costa Rica

    Costa Rican well-being indicators are comparable or even above the OECD average in several dimensions (OECD, 2016a). Nevertheless, gaps with OECD countries are large in two dimensions: labour market participation and education.

  • 3-août-2016


    Une vue globale de l'infrastructure de transport du Costa Rica

    Le secteur des infrastructures de transport du Costa Rica a longtemps souffert des insuffisantes et inefficaces dépenses d'investissement et de maintenance, qui ont déterminé un réseau de transport congestionné et de mauvaise qualité.

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  • 27-juillet-2016


    Costa Rica : stimuler la productivité pour soutenir la convergence des revenus

    Stimuler la productivité nationale pour soutenir le processus de convergence vers des pays de l'OCDE le niveau de vie dépendra de la création des conditions pour les entreprises nationales de se développer et de devenir plus innovantes et productives, tout en maintenant l'engagement de longue date pour ouvrir les marchés et les investissements internationaux.

  • 19-July-2016


    Tackling the three main challenges in Costa Rica: fiscal reform, reverting the slowdown in productivity and reducing inequality

    Costa Rica’s economic, social and environmental achievements are impressive. It has succeeded in combining rising living standards, virtually universal health care, pension and primary education systems with sustainable use of natural resources.

  • 26-mai-2016


    Une croissance plus inclusive au Costa Rica

    Au cours des 30 dernières années, le Costa Rica a connu une croissance soutenue et les indicateurs sociaux se sont améliorés de façon marquée. Les indicateurs de bien-être sont comparables ou même au-dessus de la moyenne de l'OCDE en plusieurs dimensions, comme la santé, l'environnement ou la satisfaction de vivre.

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