
Publications & Documents

  • 12-January-2012


    Monetary Aggregates for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

    Monetary aggregate indices presented are Narrow money (M1) and Broad money (M3). They are calculated as averages of the monthly figures. For all countries which do not provide data corresponding to the average for the month, estimates of monthly levels have been made using end of previous and current month figures. The annual and quarterly figures are then calculated as averages of the estimated monthly data and the indices are

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  • 12-January-2012


    Interest Rates for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

    Access time series of immediate (overnight), short-term (3 month interbank rate), and long-term (10 yr bonds) interest rates for OECD countries and major non-member economies. The series are updated continuously.

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  • 10-November-2011


    OECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa 2011

    With 22% of the national population (11.2 million inhabitants), the Gauteng city-region is the largest and richest region in South Africa, contributing to one-third of national GDP. The area encompasses a series of connected cities, including Johannesburg and the national capital of Tshwane (formerly Pretoria), that function as a single, integrated region. Gauteng has been South Africa’s growth engine: for every additional 1% growth in population in the province, 1.6% is added to its contribution to national growth, implying higher productivity than in other parts of the country. Nevertheless, the city-region’s growth potential is constrained by deep socio-economic challenges, including high unemployment (26.9%) and low productivity growth. Its rapid demographic and economic development has also reinforced the spatial segregation instituted under apartheid. Against the backdrop of South Africa’s achievements since the fall of apartheid, this Review evaluates measures to position economic development policy and to confront economic inequality in Gauteng. The issues of adequate housing as a catalyst of economic development and a vehicle for socioeconomic integration, transport mobility and public service delivery are examined in detail. The Review also assesses the economic growth potential of the manufacturing and green sectors, as well as governance issues, focussing on the potential of intergovernmental collaboration in advancing a cross-cutting regional approach for Gauteng.  
  • 6-juin-2011

    Français, , 887kb

    Rapport d’étape sur l’engagement renforcé

    Le présent rapport a pour objectif de tenir les Membres informés de l’état d’avancement du processus d’engagement renforcé. Ce processus émane d’une décision du Conseil au niveau des Ministres de mai 2007, qui « invite le Secrétaire général à renforcer la coopération de l'OCDE avec l'Afrique du Sud, le Brésil, la Chine, l'Inde et l'Indonésie, dans le cadre de programmes d'engagement renforcé en vue de leur possible adhésion ».

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  • 23-février-2011


    Renforcer le dispositif de la politique macroéconomique en Afrique du Sud

    Le dispositif de politique macroéconomique de l’Afrique du Sud a produit de bons résultats, mais il convient de le renforcer pour assurer une plus grande résistance aux chocs externes.

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  • 9-février-2011


    La lutte de l'Afrique du Sud contre la corruption

    En 2007, l'Afrique du Sud a adhéré à la Convention anticorruption de l'OCDE et a rejoint le Groupe de travail sur la corruption dans le cadre des transactions commerciales internationales, qui est composé de représentants des 38 pays signataires et surveille l'application et l'exécution de la Convention.

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  • 16-décembre-2010


    Programme relais d’études thématiques sur l’enseignement supérieur et le développement des villes et des espaces régionaux 2011-2012, Free State, Afrique du Sud

    L'l'État libre participe à l'étude sur les établissements d'enseignement supérieur dans le développement régional 2011-2012.

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  • 17-November-2010


    The Economic Impact of Export Restrictions on Raw Materials

    Export restrictions on raw materials are applied to achieve a number of policy objectives. However, they can have a significant and negative impact on the efficient allocation of resources, international trade, and the competitiveness and development of industries in both exporting and importing countries.   By diverting exports to domestic markets, export restrictions raise prices for foreign consumers and importers. At the same time, by reducing domestic prices in the applying countries and increasing global uncertainty concerning future prices, export restrictions negatively affect investment, thus potentially reducing the overall supply of raw materials in the long term. In view of existing alternative policy tools that have a different impact on trade, the effectiveness of export restrictions to achieve stated policy objectives should be carefully reviewed.   This publication presents a selection of papers discussed at the OECD Workshop on Raw Materials, held in Paris in October 2009. This workshop was organised in response to the growing concern on the use of export restrictions on raw materials, particularly by emerging economies.
  • 9-November-2010


    Developing countries exchange views on green growth policies

    Workshop on Green Growth Strategy: OECD Green Growth Strategy from the Perspective of Developing Countries, organised in Seoul, 28 October 2010.

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  • 1-octobre-2010


    Mesures prises dans les économies émergentes face aux flambées des cours internationaux des produits agricoles de base

    Ce rapport examine les interventions sur le marché prises dans dix grandes économies émergentes face à la hausse des cours internationaux des produits de base en 2006-08 ; les répercussions de ces mesures ; leur efficacité au regard des résultats visés et les conclusions pour l’action publique.

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