


PISA 2022 Results (Volume III)

Creative Minds, Creative Schools

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students around the world know and can do. This volume – Volume III, Creative Minds, Creative Schools – is one of five volumes presenting the results of the eighth round of the PISA assessment. For the first time, in 2022, PISA assessed students’ capacity to engage in creative thinking in 64 countries and economies, defined as students’ capacity to produce original and diverse ideas. This volume describes student performance in creative thinking in different contexts and how creative thinking performance and attitudes vary across and within countries and economies. It examines differences in performance by student characteristics, including gender and socio-economic status, as well as school-characteristics. The volume also offers an insight into school leader and teacher attitudes towards creative thinking, how opportunities for students to engage in creative thinking vary across schools, and how these factors are associated with student outcomes.

Published on June 18, 2024Also available in: French

In series:PISAview more titles


Reader’s Guide
Executive Summary
Creative thinking assessment results (Infographic)
What is PISA?
Measuring creative thinking
Student performance in creative thinking
Variation within countries and economies in creative thinking performance
Strengths and weaknesses in creative thinking performance
Student beliefs and attitudes towards creative thinking
School environment and creative thinking
From data to insights
Annexes12 chapters available
PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Framework
The PISA target population, the PISA samples, and the definition of schools
Technical notes on analyses in this volume
Quality assurance
The construction of the reporting scale and data adjudication for creative thinking
Construction of indices from the student, school leader, teacher and parent context questionnaires
Ranking countries’ and economies’ performance in PISA
Student engagement with the PISA 2022 Creative Thinking assessment
Results for countries and economies
Results for regions within countries
Technical information for the released items from the PISA 2022 Creative Thinking assessment
The development and implementation of PISA: A collaborative effort
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