

Global Forum on Education


Education plays a key role in achieving goals of sustainable economic development. Substantial networks of education officials and experts in both member and non-member economies have been established through various OECD programmes and activities since 1991. Most non-members have embarked on reforms to meet the education for all (EFA) challenge and equity of access to lifelong learning. Several non-member economies have turned to the OECD for policy reviews and recommendations.


The OECD Global Forum on Education was created in 2005 to help satisfy this demand in areas of current activities of the OECD Directorate for Education (including tertiary education, special needs and lifelong learning). The programme is developed and supported by the OECD Education Committee. > more


The second Global Forum on “Improving the Effectiveness of Education Systems”, was held in Dominican Republic, 3-5 March 2008, and was followed on 6 March by a seminar presenting the publication OECD Reviews of National Policies for Education: the Dominican Republic.

The Forum was attended by 280 participants representing 32 countries, 11 international organisations or national agencies and 57 universities, non-governmental organisations or trade unions. Overall, 43 nationalities were represented (including 19 member countries).EDUGLOBALFORUM2008


As was the case for the first Global Forum in 2005, a striking feature of the deliberations was the constructive engagement with the issues, in a spirit of mutual regard, by representatives from both OECD non-members and OECD countries. While at different stages of educational provision, all countries considered that the theme, Improving the Effectiveness of Education Systems, was of relevance to them.


Participants showed great interest in the topics being presented and in the reactions and contributions of participants from many varied contexts and circumstances. In many ways, the Forum itself exemplified good lifelong learning practice. Insights from research were shared, interesting experiments were discussed, policy initiatives were outlined, experiences were exchanged and problems were examined, to the benefit of all participants.





The OECD Global Forum on Education aims to strengthen and expand OECD networks of education officials and experts to include a wider range of non-member economies. In particular, the Forum contributes to:

  • Identifying major developments, problems and issues in the moves to adapt education systems to the needs of changing economies and societies;
  • Relating these moves to wider trends, such as democratisation, technological change, demographic factors, the progress of science, the globalisation process, etc.
  • Considering and further developing an agenda of challenges and tasks on which other collaborative work might be undertaken between countries.





Participants include ministers, deputy ministers, senior level education officials and experts from OECD and non-member economies, intergovernmental organisations, specialised NGOs and civil society organisations.


Contact: Ian Whitman, Head of the Unit for Co-operation with Non Members Economies, OECD Directorate for Education


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