
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI

OECD-CERI Expert Meeting on Videogames and Education


ENLACES (MINEDUC Chile) -OECD Expert Meeting on Videogames and Education
29-31 October, 2007, Santiago de Chile, Chile

This expert meeting, sponsored by the Chilean Ministry of Education and Enlaces will be devoted entirely to videogames and education. Videogames play an increasingly important role in young people’s lives and there is some evidence showing that they are becoming the preferred entertainment activity for youth in many OECD countries. What do we know about their effects? Can education systems learn something of practical value from videogame designers?


Chilean website: Seminario video juegos y educación

Papers and presentations

The effects of playing videogames: what do designers want?

The effects of playing videogames: interdisciplinary perspectives

The effects of playing videogames:do we learn anything by playing?

The uses of videogames in formal education settings

Serious games and epistemic games

The industry and the future of video games: exploring the potential for cooperation in education



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