
  • 9-December-2010

    English, , 1,481kb

    Evaluation of UNDP contribution at the regional level to development and corporate results

    The present evaluation of the work and contribution of the United Nations Development Programme at the regional level covers both UNDP regional programmes and the relevant UNDP institutional arrangements, especially thework of the regional service centres.

  • 3-December-2010

    English, , 694kb

    Financing Partnership Facilities

    This special evaluation study presents an independent evaluation of the implementation of Asian Development Bank's first three financing partnership facilities in the areas of water, regional cooperation and integration, and clean energy.

  • 13-July-2010

    English, , 281kb

    African Development Cooperation Report 2009

    Australia's development cooperation expanded in 2009 with new water and sanitaiton and food security initiatives under way, expansion of the Australia Awards to Africa, and designs for new civil society and maternal and child health initiatives started.

  • 25-February-2010

    English, , 485kb

    Sida’s Regional Strategy for Cooperation with South East Asia, 2005–2009

    Sida’s current regional strategy for cooperation with South East Asia expires at the end of 2009. Sida required an evaluation of the current strategy as an input to the development of a new strategy for the period 2010–2014.

  • 17-December-2009

    English, , 2,373kb

    Evaluation of the Regional Programme for Europe and the Commonwealth of the Independent States 2006-2010

    The present report provides a summary of the findings of the evaluation of the Regional Programme 2006-2010 for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The evaluation was carried out between July andDecember 2009.

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  • 16-December-2009

    Spanish, , 3,074kb

    Evaluation of the Bilateral Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration

    Éste es el informe final de la evaluación del Programa de Cooperación Bilateral del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración (MTIN), correspondiente al periodo 2003-2008, que se ha desarrollado durante los meses de julio a diciembre del año 2008.

  • 13-October-2009

    English, , 8,036kb

    Finnish Aid in Western Kenya - Impact and Lessons Learned

    The purpose of this evaluation is to asess to what extent the health, livestock and water programmes financed by Finland in western Kenya between 1981 and 2003 have generated direct or indirect impact on the level of development in the areal and on the living standards of the target population.<

  • 25-June-2009

    English, , 613kb

    Evaluation of EC Co-operation with ASEAN - Volume I

    The overall purpose of this evaluation is to ensure accountability for the use of allocated resources as well as to promote a lesson-learning culture in EC development cooperation.

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  • 17-June-2009

    French, , 700kb

    Evaluation of MEDA II and its implementation

    The evaluation covers the Commission’s co-operation with the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) implemented under the MEDA II Regulation. Geographically it covers the MEDA-8 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia.) and Israel (eligible for regional cooperation onl

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  • 12-May-2009

    English, , 90kb

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