
  • 2-December-2009

    English, , 530kb

    The Asian Development Bank's Support to Gender and Development: Phase I: Relevance, Responsiveness, and Results to Date

    The SES is designed to be undertaken in two phases: a headquarters-based study in Phase I (this report) for completion in 2009 and a field-based study in Phase II to be completed in 2010.

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    English, , 2,119kb

    Evaluation of SDC’s Performance in Mainstreaming Gender Equality

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  • 2-February-2009

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  • 25-September-2008

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  • 16-April-2008

    English, , 299kb

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  • 12-March-2008

    English, , 220kb

    How to perform gender equality evaluations

    This Guide is designed to help CIDA’s managers, evaluators and partners integrate the assessment of Gender Equality (GE) results throughout the evaluation process.

  • 20-February-2008

    English, , 172kb

    Gender equality - Annual Thematic Performance Report 2006–07

    The purpose of the Gender equality annual thematic performance is to record progress against the Australian Government’s commitment to gender equality and to identify cross-regional lessons/issues. It provides a baseline evaluation of progress in the integration of gender equality into programs.

  • 27-September-2007

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  • 15-October-2006

    English, , 173kb

    Lessons from Evaluations of Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation

    This synthesis report is based on a review of evaluations by Norad, Sida, DFID, the European Commission (EC), OECD/DAC, UNDP, ILO and the World Bank. The evaluations reviewed here were carried out in the period 2002 to 2006.

  • 15-June-2005

    French, Excel, 155kb

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