
  • 20-December-2010

    English, , 592kb

    Project UN Resolution 1325

    The aim of the present evaluation is to assess whether the Academy’s courses for gender equality within the framework of Project UN Resolution 1325have contributed to the implementation of the National Action Plan.

  • 3-December-2010

    English, , 618kb

    Asian Development Bank's Support to Gender and Development: Phase II: Results from Country Case Studies

    ADB's commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment was further enhanced in 2008 with the approval of Strategy 2020, which includes gender equity as one of the five drivers of change.

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  • 26-October-2010

    English, , 45kb

    Gender equality in thematic priorities

    The Swedish Agency for Development Evaluation (SADEV) has therefore conducted an evaluation with the overall purpose to assess how the thematic priority gender equality and women’s role in development is integrated in the other two thematic priorities.

  • 28-September-2010

    English, , 949kb

    Gender equality policy: Review report

    The Review of Irish Aid's Gender Equality Policy details an internal review which took place in 2009/2010 to identify the key challenges and areas of progress in the implementation of the Gender Equality Policy.

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  • 5-August-2010

    English, , 613kb

    Gender Aware Approaches in Agricultural Programmes – Zambia Country Report, A special study of the Agricultural Support Programme (ASP)

    The Zambia Country Report is designed to both offer specific feedback on ASP to the Embassy of Sweden in Zambia and to provide significant input into the Evaluation Report.

  • 29-June-2010

    English, , 402kb

    Gender and Value Chain Development

    Ensuring that gender issues are taken into consideration in value chain-related interventions is vital for facilitating the development of inclusive value chains that benefit both women and men.

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  • 3-May-2010

    English, , 2,703kb

    Gender and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 2002-08

    The World Bank’s current gender policy draws on the 2001 Gender Strategy (World Bank 2002b) endorsed by the Board.

  • 8-March-2010

    English, , 899kb

    Gender Aware Approaches in Agricultural Programmes: A study of Sida-supported Agricultural Programmes

    Concern about the ability of the world’s ecosystems to continue supporting human life on earth is resulting in a renewed attentiveness to agriculture and its multi functional character. In 2008 alone three major publications reported on the need to focus policy attention on food and farming.

  • 12-February-2010

    English, , 907kb

    Gender Equality in Swedish Development Cooperation Final Report

    The evaluation of Support to Gender Equality in Swedish Development Cooperation was designed to assess progress in the implementation of Sida’s support to gender equality, and to provide input to Sida for its recommendations to the Swedish government’s Gender Equality Policy.

  • 9-February-2010

    English, , 2,295kb

    DFID Global Social Exclusions Stocktake Report

    This report represents an interim stocktake of the corporate commitments set out in DFID’s 2005 Social Exclusion Policy.

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