
  • 6-January-2014

    English, PDF, 837kb

    Evaluation of Visibility of EU External Action Volume 4 – Annexes Part 3

    The public image of the EU’s external action is substantially in line with what the EU itself has sought to promote. Stakeholders are however often critical of the quality of the EU’s image and feel there is often a gap between rhetoric and reality.

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  • 6-January-2014

    English, PDF, 5,280kb

    Evaluation of Visibility of EU External Action Volume 3 – Annexes Part 2

    The public image of the EU’s external action is substantially in line with what the EU itself has sought to promote. Stakeholders are however often critical of the quality of the EU’s image and feel there is often a gap between rhetoric and reality.

    Related Documents
  • 6-January-2014

    English, PDF, 1,851kb

    Evaluation of Visibility of EU External Action Volume 2 – Annexes Part 1

    The public image of the EU’s external action is substantially in line with what the EU itself has sought to promote. Stakeholders are however often critical of the quality of the EU’s image and feel there is often a gap between rhetoric and reality.

    Related Documents
  • 6-January-2014

    English, PDF, 1,295kb

    Evaluation of Visibility of EU External Action - Volume 1

    The public image of the EU’s external action is substantially in line with what the EU itself has sought to promote. Stakeholders are however often critical of the quality of the EU’s image and feel there is often a gap between rhetoric and reality.

  • 8-July-2013

    English, PDF, 1,292kb

    Evaluation of Media Cooperation under the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (2005-12)

    This report presents the main findings and recommendations of an evaluation of the Media Cooperation Programme (MCP) of the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) for the period 2005 to 2012 which was launched in 2003 to support existing local reform processes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and establishing a basis for improved dialogue, and cooperation between Denmark and the MENA region.

  • 30-November-2012

    French, PDF, 2,821kb

    Évaluation de l’appui aux médias en période électorale en Afrique subsaharienne. Synthèse du rapport Direction générale

    Cette évaluation s’adresse à tous les agents du réseau et aux acteurs de la coopération dans le domaine des médias qui mènent des actions ou qui souhaiteraient initier des actions dans le domaine de l’appui aux médias en période électorale. Elle a fait l’objet d’un travail important de collecte d’informations de terrain, de concertation et de réflexion qui s’est déroulé entre juin et novembre 2012.

  • 20-December-2011

    English, Excel, 1,333kb

    Ex-post evaluation for the establishment of ICT training center

    The education and training of ICT were adopted and implemented as a political means to enhance the administrative efficiency in Iraq, and as a direct and indirect political means for economic development in Guatemala.

  • 16-October-2011

    English, , 2,135kb

    Capturing Technology for Development: An Evaluation of Activities in Information and Communication Technologies

    The evaluation found that the most notable contributions to ICT development have been through support to sector reforms and to private investments for mobile telephony in difficult environments and in the poorest countries.

  • 20-May-2011

    English, , 983kb

    Information and Communication Technologies, Agricultural Profitability, and Child Labor in Rural Peru

    The intervention studied here was carried out by the Peruvian Fund for Investments in Telecommunications, which provided at least one satellite payphone, mostly between years 2001 and 2004, to each of the 6,509 targeted villages situated across rural Peru.

  • 16-May-2010

    English, , 414kb

    Papua New Guinea Media Development Initiative 2

    Component Two (MDI 2) focused on the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), strengthening its capacity as the national public broadcaster through its pre existing relationship with the ABC.

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