
Publications & Documents

  • 20-May-2022


    Labor Migration in Asia - Covid-19 Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses

    Labor Migration in Asia: COVID-19 Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses analyzes labor migration trends in Asia and puts them in the context of economic and policy developments as well as the changes caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. It provides an overview of the labor migration trends to and from different Asian economies and looks at policy settings in major origin and destination economies of labor migrants. Chapter 1 reviews the recent regional trends, including evidence on the impact of the pandemic on flows and remittances. Chapter 2 looks at the available data on migrant job losses and COVID-19 infections, as well as policy responses to the pandemic in the key areas of access to health, occupational safety and health, housing, social protection, and the resumption of labor migration. Chapter 3 focuses on the return and reintegration challenges and policy responses in the wake of the pandemic. This report draws on the discussions that took place at the '11th ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labor Migration: Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic and Building Back Better,' held virtually in April 2021. The event, co-organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the International Labour Organization, brought together regional experts and policy makers. The report provides up-to-date comparative statistics on labor migration flows in, to, and from Asia. Two statistical annexes offer detailed economy fact sheets and coverage of intra-Asia and cross-regional migration flows.
  • 18-May-2022


    International Forum on Migration Statistics

    The International Forum on Migration Statistics is a biannual forum that aims to mobilize expertise from a wide range of disciplines, such as statistics, economics, demography, sociology, geospatial science, and information technology, to improve the collection and analysis of migration data worldwide.

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  • 9-May-2022


    Rights and Support for Ukrainian Refugees in Receiving Countries

    This report presents the latest information on the nature and scope of the refugee crisis as well as the policy response in OECD countries. The latter covers information on the entry and stay conditions for Ukrainian nationals as well as information on the reception support available in terms of housing, subsistence means, and access to social services and to integration measures.
  • 15-April-2022

    English, PDF, 1,252kb

    SDG INDICATOR 10.7.2

    Number of countries with migration policies to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people

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  • 17-March-2022


    The unequal impact of COVID-19: A spotlight on frontline workers, migrants and racial/ethnic minorities

    The young, the low educated, migrants, racial/ethnic minorities and low-wage workers were over-represented in jobs that cannot be done remotely and were therefore exposed to a higher risk of infection or job loss when the pandemic began. Many of those employed in these at-risk jobs were the frontline workers who continued to work in their physical workplace and in contact with other people throughout the pandemic to deliver essential goods and services. Indeed, the crisis has highlighted the extent to which society depends upon frontline workers who are often employed in low-paid jobs whose quality matches neither the importance of the work, nor the hazards involved. Other workers in at-risk jobs suffered particularly large losses in employment and income. In particular, both migrants and workers from racial/ethnic minorities were hit harder initially and are recovering more slowly.
  • 10-March-2022


    The Contribution of Migration to Regional Development

    With many regions in OECD countries facing declining working age populations, the geographical dimension of migration has become crucial for regional development. Where migrants settle within countries and how much they contribute to the local economies are important questions for policy makers. This report aims to address these questions using two novel datasets that offer internationally comparable information on migration and migrants' labour market integration across cities, towns and rural areas in OECD countries. The report also analyses different dimensions of regional development and provides new evidence on how migrants contribute to regional income, innovation, international trade and labour markets.
  • 7-March-2022

    English, PDF, 172kb

    EMN-OECD INFORM March 2022: Skills Mobility Partnerships: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Labour Migration

    This inform presents experiences with implementing SMPs and similar initiatives in the EU and globally, exploring the main challenges and benefits.

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  • 10-February-2022

    English, PDF, 693kb

    EMN-OECD INFORM February 2022: The use of Digitalisation and Artificial Inteligence in Migration Management

    This joint EMN-OECD inform is the second of the 2021 series of informs on Innovation in Migration. It aims to explore the role of new digital technologies in the management of migration and asylum.

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  • 27-January-2022


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Slovenia

    This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Slovenian pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Slovenian pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross‑country comparisons. The Slovenian pension system consists of a mandatory defined benefit pay‑as‑you‑go public scheme and supplementary private schemes. The review also describes the first layer of old‑age social protection in Slovenia and discusses possible ways to improve communication about pensions. The OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Slovenia is the seventh in the pension review series.
  • 14-December-2021

    English, PDF, 1,185kb

    Digital catch-up of youth with parents born abroad. Evaluation of the JOBLINGE programme in Hesse

    This report presents the evaluation of a digital training module (“digital aufholen!”) within the school-to-work transition programme JOBLINGE, in the German state of Hesse. The 6-months programme aims to integrate long-term unemployed and otherwise disadvantaged youth into the labour market, combining short-term training, workshops, on-the-job trial periods and individual mentorship.

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