

  • 13-July-2016


    G20 serves an appetiser to a potential investment policy feast

    13 July 2016 - Following endorsement of the G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking by G20 Trade Ministers in Shanghai on 10 July 2016, Ana Novik, Head of the OECD Investment Division, highlights the importance of follow-through on this important stepping stone to greater policy coherence.

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  • 27-May-2016


    Business and finance: The size of the reversal of the supercycle is bigger than you think

    27/05/2016 - The real economy will always seem to be disconnected from the financial economy during periods when the need for structural change is so overwhelming that it can hardly be otherwise. We have had the easiest monetary policy of any historical era outside of hyperinflations, and productivity fails to grow, economic activity is weak...

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  • 21-May-2016


    What is blocking business investment and productivity growth?

    21/05/2016 - It is seven years since the global crisis and despite easy monetary policy, financial regulatory reform, and G20 resolutions favouring structural measures, the world economy is not making a lot of progress. Adrian Blundell-Wignall gives a preview of what’s in the 2016 edition of the OECD Business and Finance Outlook.

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  • 9-February-2016


    Making trade and investment work for people - OECD Insights blog

    Both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the OECD New Approaches to Economic Challenges explicitly recognise that trade and investment are not goals in themselves, but are a means to an end. That desired end is stronger and more inclusive growth, better jobs for more people, and improved societal well-being.

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  • 11-December-2015


    Climate disclosure: knowledge powers change

    Everybody is interested in the impacts of what companies are doing and the environmental practices and impacts of doing business are coming under increasing scrutiny. OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría looks at how both governments and investors are ready to scale up climate disclosure and the use of climate information.

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  • 2-December-2015


    Keeping capital flows orderly

    2 December 2015 - The global financial and economic crisis of 2008 left the international monetary system with vulnerabilities caused by volatile capital flows and spillovers from national policy responses. The current policy environment has moved multilateral co-operation, openness and transparency to the top of the capital flow policy agenda.

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  • 18-November-2015


    Do lower taxes encourage investment?

    Conventional wisdom holds that countries with lower taxes attract higher levels of foreign direct investment (FDI). At first glance, this intuitive assumption seems to be supported by the evidence but is this true?. Pierre Poret, Deputy Director of the OECD Financial and Enterprise Affairs Directorate takes a closer look.

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  • 19-October-2015


    The OECD’s Revised Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment: Better data for better policy

    Let’s start with a quiz. Which country is the second biggest direct investor in China? Who are the largest investors in India and Russia? You probably won’t believe it, but the answers are

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  • 3-October-2015


    We need global policy coherence in trade and investment to boost growth

    Mounting fears of another slowdown in the global economy call for bolder policy responses. Trade and investment are a case in point. The latest WTO forecasts suggest 2015 will be the fourth year running that global trade volumes grow less than 3%, barely at—or below—the rate of GDP growth. Before

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  • 24-September-2015


    Investigating corruption: OECD gets award for its work on foreign bribery enforcement

    24 September 2015 - At the 2015 Global Investigations Review awards, the OECD collected the prize for the "most important investigations development" category. The OECD was given the award in recognition of its tireless work promoting foreign bribery enforcement around the world.

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