

  • 12-February-2016


    Flabber-gassed by our noxious air: can electric vehicles save us? Insights Blog

    Paris is a beautiful city but has an ugly problem with air pollution. Using 2 wheels to get to work, one becomes acutely aware of this insidious addiction to cars, and the “essence” of the problem, DIESEL.

  • 2-February-2016


    Kazakhstan signs OECD Green Growth Declaration

    There are now 44 adherents to the OECD Declaration on Green Growth. Kazakhstan has joined Costa Rica, Colombia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Peru, Tunisia, as well as OECD members in having adhered to the declaration. Latest reports are now available on Brazil, Zambia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Korea and Latvia.

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  • 15-January-2016


    The Importance of a Policy Coherence Lens for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals - Insights blog

    The OECD defines policy coherence for sustainable development (PCSD) as an approach and policy tool to integrate the economic, social, environmental, and governance dimensions of sustainable development at all stages of domestic and international policy making. This blog details the OECD's PCSD framework and its goals.

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  • 13-January-2016


    Measuring Multidimensional Well-being and Sustainable Development - Insight blog

    As part of the Better Life Index, Sustainable Development forms a multi-faceted key role in the way the OECD carries out its policy analysis. This latest blog from the OECD's Chief Statistician outlines how this is done.

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  • 15-December-2015


    How OECD and IEA contributed to COP21 - Insights blog

    With the world welcoming the new comprehensive global climate agreement at COP21 aiming to limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, it is worth noting the significant contribution that the OECD family has made. These contributions were aptly summarized in a useful joint statement by the secretariats of OECD, IEA, International Transport Forum and Nuclear Energy Agency right after COP21 kicked off.

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  • 20-November-2015


    "Ecological Footprint" leaving a trail at OECD

    This project is unique in that it explores how national-level policies impact household behaviour. Topics include energy use, food consumption, personal transport choices, waste generation and recycling, and water consumption. Yet the project does not specifically discuss the term “ecological footprint,” and it retains a macro-policy focus, targeting governments interested in learning which policies to implement.

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  • 17-November-2015


    COP21: Climate change in figures

    Average global temperature could rise by 3-6 degrees Celsius by 2100 if we don’t act. To keep the rise to 2 degrees Celsius, we need to have net zero emissions by the end of the century. Emissions would need to peak by 2030 to give us a fighting chance of achieving this.

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  • 12-November-2015


    Sustainable energy infrastructure, finance and institutional investors - OECD Observer

    Policy makers should do much more to encourage pension funds and other institutional investors to put their ample assets into sustainable energy infrastructure. The wins would be significant. The question is how?

  • 7-November-2015


    Redefining an industrial revolution: Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum

    So, for those interested in considering how to foster a green industrial revolution, it will be worthwhile to plan a trip to the OECD Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum* in Paris this December.

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  • 28-October-2015


    We need to talk about the SDGs

    Views vary on how much of a difference the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) actually made to the world. But on one thing people seem more or less united: They were a great communications tool. Will the new set of goals adopted at the United Nations in October prove equally effective as a communications tool?

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