
Working Papers

  • 30-June-2017


    The fall in real long-term government bond yields: Disentangling different drivers

    This paper contributes to the empirical literature investigating reasons for the fall in real interest rates in advanced economies.

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  • 23-June-2017


    Financial re-regulation since the global crisis? An index-based assessment

    How has policy responded since the crisis: with re-regulation or continued liberalisation?

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  • 8-June-2017


    Making income and property taxes more growth-friendly and redistributive in India

    Tax reforms are crucial to promoting inclusive growth in India.

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  • 31-May-2017


    The empirics of enabling investment and innovation in renewable energy

    This working paper assesses the impact of climate mitigation policies and the quality of the investment environment on investment and innovation in renewable power in OECD and G20 countries. It also examines how countries’ investment environments interact with climate mitigation policies to influence investment and patent activity in renewable power.

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  • 29-May-2017


    Solving Non-Performing Loans in Europe to speed up the recovery

    Almost 10 years after the outset of the financial crisis in summer 2008, European growth remains modest, constantly underperforming the OECD average.

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  • 21-April-2017


    Doing well by doing good: The role of Mexico's firms in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth

    The private sector can be a strategic partner in the pursuit of sustainable and inclusive growth, with the ability to have a profound impact, particularly in areas such as climate change, inclusiveness, equality and good governance.

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  • 15-March-2017


    Behavioural economics and financial consumer protection

    This paper looks at the application of behavioural economics in the area of financial consumer protection and how numerous governments are testing and implementing its application for policies promoting financial consumer protection. It highlights the opportunity for behavioural economics to help provide cost-efficient ways of making policy more effective at promoting positive outcomes for consumers.

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  • 2-February-2017


    The role of public debt managers in contingent liability management

    This working paper explores the role of public debt managers in contingent liability management based on the results of a background OECD survey and the information provided by seven task force countries. The results indicate that there are certain roles and responsibilities assumed by the public debt managers in this field, while the degree of involvement differs widely across countries.

  • 11-January-2017


    Malaysia’s economic success story and challenges

    Malaysia has sustained over four decades of rapid, inclusive growth, reducing its dependence on agriculture and commodity exports to become a more diversified, modern and open economy.

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  • 11-January-2017

    English, PDF, 3,687kb

    Malaysia’s economic success story and challenges

    Malaysia has sustained over four decades of rapid, inclusive growth, reducing its dependence on agriculture and commodity exports to become a more diversified, modern and open economy.

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