
By Date

  • 12-September-2023


    European Union: Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the OECD

    Biographical note of the European Commissions' Permanent Representative to the OECD.

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  • 26-April-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 24-July-2018


    Building a stronger and more integrated Europe

    Europe’s economy is finally growing robustly. These positive developments provide an opportunity to renew efforts to meet the long-term challenges facing the European Union (EU).

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  • 27-October-2016


    Labour mobility in the European Union: a need for more recognition of foreign qualifications

    Labour market mobility in the European Union is increasing, but it remains too low to provide sufficient adjustment in the face of diverging labour market developments.

  • 27-July-2016


    Making public finances more growth and equity-friendly in the euro area

    To achieve a euro area fiscal stance that fosters the recovery, countries with fiscal space under the Stability and Growth Pact rules should use budgetary support to raise growth, and existing incentives and flexibility should be taken advantage of to pursue reforms of tax and spending policies.

  • 27-July-2016


    Priorities for completing the European Union's Single Market

    To support the recovery, structural reforms that yield short-run as well as long-run gains should be prioritised.

  • 5-July-2016


    Fiscal policy in the euro area: in the current juncture, don’t apply sanctions

    The European Commission will assess again the fiscal situation of Portugal and Spain, and decide whether to recommend to the Council that the Excessive Deficit Procedure be stepped up for those countries, exposing them to various sanctions. This momentous decision can have major consequences for the countries concerned, but also wider implications.

  • 24-November-2015


    Education at a Glance 2015: European Union

    The 2015 edition introduces more detailed analysis of participation in early childhood and tertiary levels of education. The report also examines first generation tertiary-educated adults’ educational and social mobility, labour market outcomes for recent graduates, and participation in employer-sponsored formal and/or non-formal education.

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  • 10-September-2014


    Reinvigorating the EU Single Market

    The EU Single Market remains fragmented by complex and heterogeneous rules at the EU and national levels affecting trade, capital, including foreign direct investment, and labour mobility.

  • 21-January-2014


    EU-US trade and investment talks: Why they matter

    Talks to free up more trade and investment between the European Union and the United States got under way early in 2013. A good agreement in 2014 would be a positive thing, and not just for the EU and the US.

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